Perfect story. My son missed a four point just after7am and we didn't see anything afterwards. I though maybe he had the Buck fever or something. It was an easy shot for him at less than 50 yds and his 300wsm Ruger frontier loaded with 160gr ftx's at 30/30 velocities is a one holer at that range. All we found was some hair and the bullets jacket where it went into a deadfall. Did some tracking and confirmed no blood and went back to our spot. He and I couldn't believe he made such a poor shot. Well, sitting there for the rest of the day, I later realized a tiny branch was split in a direct path maybe 20 yds from where the deer was standing. With the spent jacket and split twig I have to assume he hit the branch. It's making me feel a lot better too. Also taught him a good lesson about deflection. Guess he'll have a lot more chances, being he is 8. Good luck to the rest of you guys. I'll resume hunting the 2nd and 3rd.