Author Topic: Realistic Prices  (Read 816 times)

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Offline dross80

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Realistic Prices
« on: December 17, 2009, 06:07:25 AM »
First, let me say that anyone has the right to ask for any price they wish on something they own, and more power to them if they can get that price.

My question, as someone new to these rifles, is, "Are people really paying these prices?"  If I buy a brand new gun from a dealer online, I have to pay shipping and an FFL fee, so of course I must add these to the cost.  Yet I see used guns sold by individuals priced higher than the total cost of a new gun from a dealer.  Is this pretty common, or is there some kind of price bubble going on?

Offline mannyrock

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 06:13:58 AM »

  It depends totally on the make, model and caliber of the gun.

  And, lots of people post their used rifles on line, at high prices, just because every once and a while somebody, for some reason, will buy one from them.

Offline Spanky

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2009, 06:41:14 AM »
Prices are driven by consumer demand. It's the same here as in your local department store. A good 357 mag barrel is in high demand here and will probably fetch more money than a 308 barrel. Nothing wrong with the 308, just more interest in the 357. Sometimes it's just the fact that a particular barrel is no longer being made... that will drive prices up. A good used 38-55 which is no longer produced will probably bring more than a 45-70 barrel which is still in production.
I do agree that sometimes the prices are pretty high on the run of the mill barrels. The fact that alot of them don't sell until the price is lowered proves that.
I do however understand the higher prices on the barrels that are no longer produced, hard to find, etc.
Look on the WTS right now. There is a 32-20 barrel that just sold for some pretty big money. Was it worth it? I think so... it follows the guidelines of the higher priced barrels. It is a custom barrel not even produced by the factory and is highly sought after by some of the Handi owners on the site. Would I have paid the asking price for the barrel? Yes I would have. (If I didn't have one already). Now if the same price were asked for a standard 22" 223 barrel it would be laughed off the board.
That's the perfect example of supply and demand and it's exactly why some of the barrels are going for bigger money. ;)


Offline blacksan

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2009, 07:03:00 AM »
I personally would rather do FTF on firearms and in my area MOST folks are pretty reasonable. I also have a few real good shops that will even show you distributor pricing and add there standard/very reasonable percentage on the tag.


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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 07:15:39 AM »
Some things that need to be taken into consideration would be stock configurations plain jane easy to get calibers also has the gun been rung out to eliminate any problems. Not all H&R's are born alike.Some may have sights and scope mounts which don't happen anymore. I am putting togeather a list to sell a small part of my collection after the holidays to fund a new logsplitter and to the uninformed some may look overpriced .But to those who know what is there may not be a great deal but should be fair deals. But then if the money ain't there to buy then I will just keep them. Kurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
                                 "SOLI DEO GLORIA"

Offline shvlhead.45

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 07:18:58 AM »
Additional thoughts on the subject:

1.  If ordering a new factory fit barrel there is an additional fees for fitting and handling that comes to like $37 over the cost of the new barrel and your expense to ship the receiver to the factory.

2.  If buying or selling on the classifieds, someone has to pay shipping and if a receiver or rifle, two ffls are going to be adding to the cost as well.  I just sold a barrel on the classifieds for $75 shipped and postage and insurance was right at $19 so I end up with $56 in my pocket (not complaining, knew this would be the case going in).

3.  When you go out and about looking to buy a new Handi, or anything else for that matter, do you add the cost of gas and other travel related expenses especially if on a single purpose trip?  

4.  i've just about quit looking at the gun auctions, other online auction sites and a lot of classifieds as the listed prices are  more then I have to pay buying new.

5.  All the the things listed are just adding to the intial cost of the the guy selling and even if seller is trying to just recoup his monitary output, price isn't going down.

6.  Final thought, no one is holding a gun to anyones head and making them buy anything.  If I think something is too high, I don't bid.


Offline wreckhog

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 10:31:51 AM »
Unlike like a lot of guns, Handi parts sell for more than you would think based on the price of the whole gun. But less than the factory charges. A lot of parts including barrels, can be time consuming and expensive to obtain through normal channels.

Offline gendoc

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2009, 02:41:15 PM »
supply and demand...
if there is a handi something for sale... ask yourself, do i need that, do i want that,
or, no interest...

if you can live with your purchase then do it, if in question... think about it.
if in doubt.. don't do it !!!!

  if its too high, let it pass..
if its in your reach.... grab it!!!!

its your choice. and you make the decision

or you can do like me... if you find something you want.. get it
then sell off something else to recoop. its all in fun to me.
thats why i'm past terminal and no meds can get me back to earth.

i will be opening a mobile handi phyco clinic soon and appointments
are appreciated but, walkin's are welcome too.
just call...toll free  BR549 24/7......
just ask for " THA-DOC" ;D
in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

Offline Lon371

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2009, 09:49:08 PM »
i will be opening a mobile handi phyco clinic soon and appointments
are appreciated but, walkin's are welcome too.
just call...toll free  BR549 24/7......

Jr? Jr. Samples is that you?  :D



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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 03:56:47 AM »
Doc your anoligy seems to come from the first 3 chapters of the big book maybe some thing you picked up during a "shims" therapy session??  ;DKurt
Deceased 2/16/24

WTUTI12ga,WTU25-06,M158 22RemJet, 24"Ultra.204Ruger24"UltraFluted.204Ruger
M157Mannliker.22Hornet,24".223UltraFluted,   24".223Ultra,7X64BrenekkeUltra,22-250AIUltraFluted            7.62x39,22"303Britstub.32H&Rmag, .32303BritstubHuntsman,24" SS.50calHuntsman 58calHuntsman 12gaHuntsman
NEF RevolversSSModel73.32H&Rmag                     Blued Model73.32H&R mag The herd is shrinking!!
                                 "SOLI DEO GLORIA"

Offline gendoc

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 12:28:49 PM »
jus pick'd it up from my homeland heritage... bayou la fouchue
ya know... gods country (sportsmans paradise)  ;D
in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

Offline wreckhog

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 01:42:24 PM »
That .223 with half inch groups, could go through 20 handis to find one that shoots close to that. I am lucky enough to have a .243 and a 30-06 that are close. That are all worth more than a NIB gun for that reason IMHO.

Offline deerslayer79

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 04:47:39 PM »
On a recent trip to my local Gander Mt. I was nosin around the used gun section and saw a handi rifle in 30-06 with the stained stock and scope base for the reasonable price of............................................................$429.00,you got to be friggin kiddin me.
beer,check ammo,check gun,DAMMIT,I knew I forgot somethin!!

Offline blacksan

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Re: Realistic Prices
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2009, 09:21:22 AM »
On a recent trip to my local Gander Mt. I was nosin around the used gun section and saw a handi rifle in 30-06 with the stained stock and scope base for the reasonable price of............................................................$429.00,you got to be friggin kiddin me.

GM in my area is stupid high too.............. We have a local farmers coop with a great gun-shop staffed with folks that actually shoot, reload, etc and know there stuff about guns and they get 99.9% of my business. They even have a 12 month interest free program in the store that coverers everything from lawn mowers to guns and I've been faithful to that program for a looooooooong time. You can never have too many, right?  ;)