I went out this morning and sighted in my wife's rifle in preparation for the family hunt next week. I thought it would be a ten minute session but I had a little problem getting the bullets to go to the center of the target, and it took a few more bullets than I thought. I had some Federal premiums .270 from way back, last sighted in in '06, don't remember when I bought them but the price I paid at Academy at the time was $12.99. I was almost at the end of one box and looked to see that the other box was a different bullet type. Turns out that box would not group well at all. I figured that to save time I would go to Academy and buy the right kind. Dang near swallowed my teeth when I saw the price: $34.99. The decision to go home and reload was easy. I lucked out and my first load grouped well. Academy was out of many of the calibers, and the selection in the rest was pretty thin. Doesn't it feel good to be able to make your own?