Author Topic: a great start going Sour with Bad Apples  (Read 905 times)

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Offline onesonek

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« on: October 21, 2003, 02:02:02 PM »
There seems to be a few idiots every year, but this year seems worse.  Our county has close to 3000 acres of public hunting areas. Yet, I'm hearing more tresspass violations.  And most of them are non-local ( i'm not going to call them hunters) , which bothers me, because I like to travel too.  Also because, I know of a few farmers are talking of closing their ground completely.
 I wasn't going to post this, fore the risk of sounding self- righteous. And now, thinking about it. I'm so mad, I can't say what  I think of these idiots.
 Athough I will say this, if we hunters? can't follow a simple rules, we better get out of the sport before it's no longer a sport.
 I'm going to quit before GB pulls on the reins.   :x

Offline Winter Hawk

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2003, 03:04:36 PM »

Unfortunately, bad manners are becoming epidemic.  My personal belief is that things started to go to heck when Nixon stopped the draft.  Before that men folk got an education in boot camp on proper etiquette, and people realized that with rights and privileges come responsibilities.  It isn't just hunting where people are turning into pigs!  'Course it is hard to stay mannerly when you get cussed at for holding the door open for a woman, but I try!

Fewer and fewer people are living in rural areas, so making sure the gate is closed, not tromping across freshly planted fields etc. is not in their memory banks.

"All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse and a good wife." - D. Boone

Offline jhm

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2003, 04:03:35 PM »
Fellows :  I make no bones about it if you are not a INVIDED GUEST you have no business on my property, and its a well known fact in the county to stay off of my property, now some out there are thinking that it is awfully selfish of me for being that way but over the years I have had calfs shot a $6000.00 bull shot gates left open and cattle to get out, thats always fun to spend you spare time rounding up your catrtle that someone let get out, (if the gate is closed when you find it close it behiond you, if its open leave it open.) fences cut ecen had a guy drive his 4x4 thru the corner of a pasture to get into it from the back side then got stuck and tore up the fields getting out, had to take equipment into field to repair the damage done by someone that in my oppinion was trying to steel some hunting time from me.  With all of that only done by a few it has been that people who hunted in this for years b-4 cant and dont if not invited by MYSELF yes I set the rules because I pay the taxes now those of you who over hear some of your coworkers who have found this honey hole on anothers land, just remember he could be the one that get you thrown off of some landowners place you would like to have permission to hunt, BTW I didnt mention all the trash that got thrown out of the vehicles while they were hunting, (old tires bottles cans household trash you know the general lets clean house and throw it here)  :D   JIM

Offline Graybeard

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 05:01:43 PM »
Good manners, proper etiquette and respect for others seems to be getting much less common. Common sense ain't so common any more either. I see it if not daily at least weekly right here on the forums in the folks I have to deal with who seem only to be here to make trouble or who when they violate the rules and are told want to cuss me out and tell me how I should run this site which I pay over a thousand bucks a year to operate and let folks use for free.

Same applies to folks out in the woods. I left a good hunting site awhile back because the guy who invited me was worse than some of the folks you are talking about here. Just not worth my time to put up with such folks.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline willis5

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2003, 07:53:17 AM »
praise is due to all of you people doing WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTED TO DO.

I don't understand some that see tresspassing as a choice... You don't do it. It is a violation of people's right to privacy and property. it's like bragging about taking care of your kids or staying out of jail...You are supposed to take care of your kids. you are supposed to stay out of jail. you are supposed to stay off of people's property without permission. You are supposed to take care of things your own property as well as things that are not yours. people who own property usually worked hard to buy it... it's theirs. If you want to hunt it so bad, ask permission... if you don't get it... tough cookie! It wasn't your call. Work hard to buy your own or to at least get on a lease...I almost forgot... what about virtually free public land?

I usually don't vent like this. Sorry.

Offline Carl l.

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a great start going Sour with Bad Apples
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2003, 11:28:01 AM »
I also agree with  what is been said on  this posts. You all said it better than I can. I have been through the same things.

I also would like to thank Greybeard for this forum. I don't make to many post's, but it is nice to have a place that if you need help you can get it here. I would have liked to have had this kind of help when I started reloading in 1960. Back then it was trial and error. No computer's either. I enjoy reading all the comments on differnt things. I hope that people don't abuse this forum so the rest of us can enjoy it. Carl L.