Well, I saw a good used (actually threee of them) Handi in 45-70 the other day so it followed me home. It is an ejector model on and SB-2 frame with wood stock. I sure don't need another rifle, but I do have this stash of .458 cast bullets, and do have the dies, etc., and it looks like it will be fun. I've had a couple of lever guns in that caliber so I'm not really a stranger. Though I paid $225 for it, I'm happy with the deal since it does have good rings, and scope base, but a no account scope, and it's in excellent shape. I have a Weaver 1X-3X scope that will work fine, but I'm debating the Williams Foolproof receiver sight I saw on here recently. I want this gun to be lighter, and handier than my full length Marlin was.