Author Topic: Opinion on this Sig  (Read 934 times)

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Offline HuntingGuy

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Opinion on this Sig
« on: September 21, 2003, 04:48:00 PM »
Hey all-

I am thinking about purchasing this gun in a few months -

Its the Sig 229 .40S&W.

What do you think of it? If anyone has shot it, do you like it?

All input would be appretiated.

Thanks a lot, Jason.
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Offline broken arrow

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Opinion on this Sig
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2003, 12:51:10 PM »
I have a P229 that I carry at my part-time job and off duty. I qualified with it and got a perfect score. It is reliable and accurate. It is very comfortable in my hand and in my Safariland paddle-back thumb break holster. It is somewhat heavier than other similar sized guns and the finish on the slide could be a little more robust. Aside from those two minor detractors it is the creme de' la' creme of my collection. I feel very safe when I carry it off duty, and prefer it to any other .40 caliber weapon I have handled (pretty much all of them). If the weight/size is a factor and you are willing to sacrafice capacity. Check out the Sig P-239. A single stacked more concealable option. Either way, you can't go wrong. Sigs are superior handguns.
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Offline jaberegg

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Opinion on this Sig
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2003, 01:56:43 PM »
I have a P 239 in 9mm, an if other Sigs are anything like my 239, all I can say is WOW. Accurate, great trigger and fits the hand perfect...... also easy to carry. Shoots cast or jacketed no problem Also have a S&W Sigma in 40 caliber, nice gun but lacks in the trigger department which is why I just ordered $60 worth of springs from Wolff hoping I can get it tuned up a bit. Will I buy another Sig? Yes! BTW the 239 was used and still a great gun.

Offline ghostZ

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Opinion on this Sig
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2003, 03:42:46 AM »
I had a 229 for about 2 years (my buddy was called to active duty and living in DC and working at the Pent so I "kept it in my safe").  I loved the gun.  I still carried my HK most of the time but carried the Sig everyonce in awhile.  The sig and the HK to me are almost the same.  The Sig has the metal frame and the HK has the poly frame.  I shoot both equally well.  I would buy one if I was in the market.  
Another thing I really like(some don't) is the manual decock.  I picked the HK over it because the HK has a saftey and a decock.  I don't think you will go wrong buying this gun.  One other thing to note...the blued barrel on the sig shows wear(blueing rubbing off) from contact with the slide during its cycle, not a big deal but worth saying.
Also you might want to check it out but I *think*(have been told) you can get a .357sig barrel for it.