Yep! spongers on the top and bottom of the barrel.
If the TP head had heart surgery through medicare, he was using a legitimate program. He may have just opposed "national health option" for others, simply because it is a bogus, government power grab that will reduce health care..that is the way millions see it !
Back to subject..Ben Nelson;
Here are some quotes from Nelson that show great courage...
A) "My character and good name are in my own keeping. life with disgrace is dreadful."
B) "The bravest man feels anxiety "circa praecordia" as he enters battle, but he dreads disgrace more" !
C) "Thank God, I have done my duty" !
Those are quotes from Nelson...Admiral Horatio Nelson....
Quotes of courage by that other Nelson..have by now.."Ben" things of the past.
Now that old Ben has sold out for a "Nebraska rollover", there is a quote by the real hero named Nelson, that Ben can use;
"First gain the victory; then make the best use of it you can" ! (Admiral horatio Nelson)