This thread cracked me up. The wasichu came over here and killed our people at a hundred places like Sand Creek, Washita River, and Wounded Knee. They sent our children to places like the Carlisle School and tried to turn them into Christians. If they resisted, the children were beaten. The wasichu bred like rabbits, covered the earth with people, buildings, and pavement and gave us the goat pasture they didn't want. They are still doing it. The US Government runs around the world trying to turn any nation that suits them [actually any nation that has natural resources they can exploit] into friendly democracies. They are devouring the earth and they believe God told them they could do that. But, when it comes to offending a small community of Hasidic Jews by exposing some woman's bare legs to them, the wasichu want to protect those communities and their way of life. I've got bad news. The liberals, the gays, and women with bare legs, and even bare breasts, are overrunning your country but at least they aren't killing you. The Hasidic Jews had better adjust just as the red man had better adjust. [For those who don't know, "wasichu" is the Lakota word for "white eyes." Literally translated, it means "one who takes the fat" or "greedy."]
Wasichu "values" seem, to me, to shift with the wind. Or, perhaps, the God of Abraham just doesn't like us. Aren't non-whites, after all, the decendants of Ham?