Author Topic: ny judge discriminating disabled trapper and violated civil rights  (Read 699 times)

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breif story,im 38 year old man with custody of 3 kids since they were 11 months old, mother left, never got child supportin 13 years so i went to file violation and got a ondiea county judge assigned in herkimer county because of a big case load they had to bring in another judge, went to court several times and one day i was there for over an hour and nobody has ever or at any time say i stunk ever in my life. on my way out a sherriff said to me your a trapper right, i said i do a little, and then said thats what i thought i new you from, that was all said, i thought he just recogonized me from when i got my pistol permit. the next day, irecieved a letter, nobody can believe it,i was showered and clean cloths on, im not a bum and i was going to court, of course i was clean, if you look at the date it was 3 days before trapping even started. i am also 100 disabled and only do a little trapping as its hard to get around. i had pissed the courts off by trying for a month to have the judge removed for conflict because his family  and the kids mother are friends, and i raised an issue about other things, the court was not pleased, but all said and done with in the law,  he would not step down and after this letter was sent and i threatened with a law suit for several cival rights violations he removed himself, i cant find local lawyers to handle it,and did find lawyers fron far away to but they are to far to meet like thed like, ive told every one, i will donate all proceeds back to trapping,nysta, or other assoc. if im helped since it involves trapping to. any ideas or help. kevin ,315-429-9212

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Re: ny judge discriminating disabled trapper and violated civil rights
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 02:48:18 AM »
Try contacting the NRA for legal assistance.  Hope this helps.