Author Topic: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??  (Read 1086 times)

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Offline petemi

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Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« on: December 06, 2009, 09:00:38 AM »
This season has got to be the worst I've ever seen on Da U.P.  I saw four deer during the rifle season, all together.  A doe, two fawns and a yearling doe.  I'd have stashed the yearling in the freezer, but I was carrying my Handi .44 mag and 225 yards was way too far, so they walked.

I have about a dozen apple trees on my front lawn.  Normally, you couldn't find an apple there this time of year.  The lawn is covered with them.  There's about another hundred or so apple trees out back on the 120 acres, and their fruit is all laying on the ground.  Last week, while still hunting, I found four fawn skulls.


Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Offline Halwg

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 10:39:11 AM »
Why do you think this is so?  Have you had hard winters?  More predators, too may doe tags?
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Offline Skunk

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2009, 02:05:13 PM »
Halwg, I'm putting my money on too many predators as one of the biggest reason. Wolves in some of the Great Lakes states areas are a problem that urgently needs to have a solution.

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Offline Qualitymilk

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 02:15:04 PM »
In our area of Mid-Michigan, the corn stayed up late this year, due to a late spring planting season and cool summer growing.  The rut I thought was very short this year, and we did not see much "buck chasing doe" activity this fall.  Even starting in early October (archery) the bucks we were watching all summer seemed to disappear and not be seen again.  Warm weather this fall I think messed with 'em a bit too.  Just my thoughts, but a disappointing season here too.  Still got some time with the smokepole though....

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 01:57:22 AM »
about the same season i had This season has got to be the worst I've ever seen on Da U.P.  I saw four deer during the rifle season, all together.  A doe, two fawns and a yearling doe.  I'd have stashed the yearling in the freezer, but I was carrying my Handi .44 mag and 225 yards was way too far, so they walked.

I have about a dozen apple trees on my front lawn.  Normally, you couldn't find an apple there this time of year.  The lawn is covered with them.  There's about another hundred or so apple trees out back on the 120 acres, and their fruit is all laying on the ground.  Last week, while still hunting, I found four fawn skulls.


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Offline petemi

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 02:39:37 AM »
I think it's a combination of all those factors.  It snowed Nov 15 last year and it was still here in April.  The four fawn skulls I found didn't come down with the last rain.  The predator could be about anything we have here.  Bear take a lot of fawns, or it could be wolves or coyotes....possibly cougar.....bobcat???  We've had very mild weather to date, but that is changeing.  I did see two deer last evening at dark thirty.  They came out of the same bottom in the same spot I saw the four during rifle season.  I didn't see any antlers, but it didn't matter cause it was too late to make a good shot.  The excessive doe kill the past few years around here has got a lot to do with it too.  I know a neighbor took 10 legal does during the 3 seasons last year.  Don't ask me what you need 10 deer for.

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Offline J. J. Magnum

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 08:43:43 AM »
I have to agree Pete, this season was a disappointment.  We saw does early on (looking for bucks) and when the end of the season came, all the deer had deserted us completely.  Lots of shooting all around my land and I heard that some of those hunters scored but all in all dismal results on my place.  Still, any time spent outdoors in pursuit of game beats spending it inside doing other things...

Offline longwinters

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 01:11:45 PM »
I bowhunted East Dickinson Co.  and rifle hunted Menominee.  I saw more deer than usual as I had hunted in wolf and bear central Iron Co for years.  But even then it wasn't great.  I think the only reason we saw any bucks in menonimee was because the corn was standing.  Last year the corn was down and we saw basically nada.  The corn helped keep the deer there.  But while bowhunting I saw only one fawn and not one 18mo old deer.  No spikes, forks etc...and the 6 does I saw were all big older deer.  I think tough times are coming.

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Offline spruce

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 01:37:36 PM »
I also hunt in E. Dickinson and northern Menominee and my experience this year was pretty much like longwinters'.  Saw few deer, no big bucks, and few fawns.

I think the last 2 winters have been hard on fawn production/survival.  Saw a lot of does during the summer and fall with no fawns.  Predators are also a factor.

I think the DNR over did it on the doe permits also.  They did cut back on them this year, but that should have been done a few years ago.

Add to all of that a very mild weather pattern during the rifle season and an abundance of natural browse this fall and the remaining deer just had no reason to move around during the day.

Offline alleyyooper

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2009, 06:01:46 AM »
 ??? so put on all your winter sitting duds ands stroll around in day time highs in the mid 40's and low 50's. fun aint it?

 ;D  Al
Garden View Apiaries, where the view is as sweet as the honey.

Offline petemi

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2009, 09:04:10 AM »
Today's just the opposite.......16 inches of snow, 16 degrees and a 30 mph wind.  I can't even get out to my coop.  I was lucky to make it to the mail box :o

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Offline alleyyooper

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2009, 02:14:16 AM »
Now that it's cooled off some you will start seeing them.
I know I am seeing more now than I did the last 8 days of firearm season. but the last 8 days full moon may have had something to do with it too.

 ;D  Al
Garden View Apiaries, where the view is as sweet as the honey.

Offline Skunk

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2009, 05:12:29 AM »
Today's just the opposite.......16 inches of snow, 16 degrees and a 30 mph wind.

Oh my, you guys got hit a good one up there. We ended up with around 8-10 inches, but we just miss the Lake effect stuff that you folks get. Hope you and the rest of you Yoopers have snowblowers.

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Offline rokefert

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2009, 11:01:19 AM »
Extremely poor deer season im Mqt county.  Deer numbers are down, didn't even see a deer until July this year.  Fawn numbers are down also.  Spent nearly 150 hours in bow season to only have about 5 opportunities to shoot deer.  Took a yearling with my bow and let the Does with fawns live.  Rifle season stunk just as much, even though on the opener i shot a large 6pt (2.5yr old), and only saw deer on 3 other occasions.  Coyotes are running rampant, and yes they are killing deer, I found a few coyote kills, and even saw the blood soaked culprits nearby.  Wolf scat and tracks were everywhere full of deer hair of course.  Will be doing my part again this year to help the fawns by applying for the bear tag, and will start coyote hunting when the cold weather shuts the rabbit hunting, and ice fishing down.  I have spoken to a number of other hunters in the area and they all reported seeing staggering amounts of coyotes, and dissapointing amounts of deer.  Maybe someday people will realize that you can have wolves and deer--------IF YOU MANAGE THE WOLF POPULATION RATHER THAN WAIT TILL THEY DESTROY THE DEER HERD!!!!!  The last time I checked the wolf advocates werent pumping ANY money into the DNR's pockets.

Offline alleyyooper

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Re: Deer? What deer??? Did you see a deer??
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2009, 02:48:59 AM »
Start live trapping those wolves and turning them loose in the city parks like New Yorks central. Washington DC. mall area could use some too along with LA.

 ;D  Al
Garden View Apiaries, where the view is as sweet as the honey.