I will have to admit, that I want as much qualilty, as I can get, in a firearm, so I buy quality the first time. The first Winchester 63 I bought was a Winchester/Miroku High-Grade model. I bought it because of all the engraving and gold metal work on the receiver.
The second Winchester/Miroku model 63 I bought was the standard grade, bought because I wanted something a little bit more practical.
Of the two Winchester/Miroku iterations of the Winchester Model 63, I have, I have had zero problems with either of them. These are still to be found in stores, and on gun broker. They're not cheap. However, nothing, that is worth anything, is cheap...
I have one friend who saw my Winchester/Miroku model 63's, liked them, and bought a Taurus, thinking he was going to get the same quality as mine... Big Mistake. For the amount he has spent, getting the Taurus to work, he could have had a good Winchester/Miroku rifle in the first place.
An original Winchester model 63, High Grade is almost prohibitively expensive. I have seen them priced as high as $10,000.00 for highly engraved models. I have seen original Winchester model 63 standard grade (blued) rifles go from $650.00 and up, depending on condition.
The two Winchester/Miroku's that I have, are re-released interations of the Winchester model 63, made in Japan by Miroku. I would value their workmanship, and materals, as being just as good as the original Winchester model 63 rifles.