Welcome to the forum and hoping you do purchase a 20 ga. Pardner Shot. These single shot guns do grow on you.
Nice looking pad for a Pardner Shotgun, but I have to ask what would you need a recoil pad on a 20 ga. Pardner for. The newer Pardner comes with an acceptable recoil pad and if you need more to reduce recoil, just add weight to the gun. You can add to the rear stock by removing the two screws at the recoil pad. The only problem I have with recoil is when I’m patterning 3” magnum loads for turkey or bench rest shooting rifle slugs……..the worst thing about this shooting is the forearm sling swivel tears my left index finger. If I ever get a new forearm the gun will be getting a barrel band sling swivel.
Good Luck and I hope I haven’t offended you about the recoil pad.