I think he's on the right track. Heard him on several commentary shows. Guy knows what he's talking about. He's trying to point out the short comings in the Republican party. Somebody in that party ought to listen to him. gypsyman
"WELL" He speaks like a professional politician!
HE SAY'S"We must quickly learn our lessons, return to our principles and move on............." Sounds like a Hank Snow song!
This could be any hack from any party spewing this dribble! What does it mean?...............
NADA, ZIP,SQUATOne Republican who escapes Steele's intraparty criticism is former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, McCain's running mate. Then again, judging from the book's index, Palin is not mentioned at all in what the publisher calls Steele's "call to arms for grass-roots America."
What about the only true Constitutionalist in the party? (Ron Paul) Did he escape the attention of Steele?
To find a Republican today that actually believes in smaller government, you would either have to elect Paul, or go dig up Goldwater, and run him again.