I seriously doubt Dale needs you as his keeper. I think you need to read my posts again as what I posted to Dale was solid advice on Acid Reflux from a person who has the condition. I tried hard to forcefully impress on him the need to get his butt to a proper doctor for test and treatment. I did not take cheap shots at him unless you wish to count the one where I said I suspected he would ignore my advice this time same as he did last time I gave it to him when he first posted enough detail to make it clear he had acid reflux.
Now let's talk about YOU. You've already been given one ten day ban for being out of line. You are very close to a second time out which will be for not less than 30 days if given as a time out again. For sure if a third is needed the ban will be made permanent. It might be without another time out. You have a chip on your shoulder that sooner or later we're gonna knock off if you aren't smart enough to remove it yourself. Problem is we swing a rather wide bladed ax and we might take your head along with the chip. We've been more than lenient with you on here but trust me that is wearing mighty thin. You add nothing to this site and take every cheapshot you can, are constantly making personal attacks and name calling. You should have long ago been removed from the site permanently. It's still highly likely to happen.
Dale had a lot of cheap shots taken at him by bubba, you and others in his heartburn post- he actually deserves an apology but will never get one.