Author Topic: 5 1/2" barreled Remmy?  (Read 568 times)

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Offline Rebel-1

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5 1/2" barreled Remmy?
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:24:54 PM »
Anyone shoot one of them? If so, what do you think of it? How does it balance compared to the 8"er? How do they group? Are they as accurate as the longer barreled version all things considered? I have had a number of 8"ers but never the shorter barreled one and think i might like one if they shoot good. How about with the .45 LC conversion cylinders? Do they shoot good with those. Any info appreciated.

Offline ZVP

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Re: 5 1/2" barreled Remmy?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 06:43:38 PM »
 I have both a full length 8" and a 5 1/2" and I love the "Sheriff's model!
 The balance is great, it feels like a 4 5/8" Ruger more than a B/P revolver. The gun points more naturally than an 8" and just settles in the hand as you draw and shoot. Cocking seems more easy because the weight is settled just ahead of the cylinder rather than being muzzle heavy. I normally shoot two handed although even off-handed (Leftie) the single handhold of the short barrel shoots great. Recoil is light due to a heavy frame.
 Accuracy? about what you'd expect from a chopped pistol. Groups at 7 yards are quick to hold and 15 yard groups can be held under 2 inches with ease. Naturally the 8" revolver shoots tighter groups due to the longer sight radius.
 I filed my sight to zero at 15 yards POA as I figgured plinking anddany Cowboy shooting action would be close in.
 I load my Sheriff's Model Remington with 30 to 35 grains of Pyrodex (By Measure not weight) and use a greased wad between the powder and Ball. My revolvers (both Pieitta Remingtons) prefer to be loaded with a round Ball and no filler. Yesw the ball seats a little back in the cylinder but it dosen't seem to matter. Recoil on the Sheriff's model appears no different than with the full 8" BBL.

Offline Rebel-1

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Re: 5 1/2" barreled Remmy?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 05:11:35 AM »
Thanks, that is what i was hoping to hear about them. I am looking at an Uberti. Only real advantage i can see over the Pietta is the drift front sight. A few years ago Ubertis quality was a lot better than Piettas, but Pietta has come a long way in more recent years.