Author Topic: How to chamber a cartridge in a B78 without retracting the hammer.  (Read 659 times)

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Offline Chimbu

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I recently discovered how to chamber a cartridge in my old B78 WITHOUT the hammer retracting to the fully cocked position. An easy procedure - momentarily squeeze the trigger at the commencement of the distinctive second (and final) stage of closing the lever. Note, I’m not sure if it also applies to the 1885. Thereafter, when the need arises, simply thumb the trigger back to the fully cocked position. In hindsight, it certainly beats the normal potentially dangerous practice of firmly thumbing the hammer spur, squeezing the trigger and then slowly lowering the hammer to the ‘safe’ or closed position - exemplified on a recent goat hunt when I accidently fired off a round when I mis-timed the uncocking procedure. Namely, I pulled the trigger without having a firm grip of the hammer spur. Fortunately, as is my usual practice, the muzzle was pointing in a ‘safe’ direction at the time.
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Offline Rangr44

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Re: How to chamber a cartridge in a B78 without retracting the hammer.
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 03:22:32 AM »
[An easy procedure - momentarily squeeze the trigger at the commencement of the distinctive second (and final) stage of closing the lever.]

Be sure your insurance is fully paid up - liability, casualty & life included.

IMHO, doing that risks setting the sear tip on the lip of the half-cock/safety notch of the hammer - the infamous "false safety" position, from which a jar to the rifle will allow the hammer to fall, or if it didn't fire, it would at least rest against the FP, where any blow to the hammer would let it fire.

Folks that have issues with proper setting to half-cock are much better off carrying the B78 with the chamber loaded, hammer at full cock, and the lever partially open.
The rifle will not fire until after the lever is first closed - which is easily done while shouldering for a game shot, with a little practice.

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Offline Chimbu

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Re: How to chamber a cartridge in a B78 without retracting the hammer.
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 10:25:57 PM »
Rangr44, thanks for your thought provoking input. The notion of the hammer possibly resting against the firing pin certainly is a concern, because, as you stated, “any blow to the hammer would let it fire”. Note, this would no doubt also apply when the hammer’s carefully lowered from the fully cocked position. In contrast, the practice of walking around with the hammer at full cock and the partially opened lever acting as a ‘safety’ device seems a rather awkward alternative – particularly as I often stroll across open country with the rifle slung over my shoulder !
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Offline Rangr44

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Re: How to chamber a cartridge in a B78 without retracting the hammer.
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 04:09:04 AM »
[I often stroll across open country with the rifle slung over my shoulder !]

That's certainly your perrogative, but it's never been viable for me - when hunting, I've always wanted my rifle "in my hands", ready for a quick shot.

If your hunting country allows leisurely strolling, giving ample time to spot, get ready & then shoot - I might consider a shoulder-slung rifle with the lever/action "open" and a ready load/cartridge in my hand.

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