Author Topic: New Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm - Need advise  (Read 794 times)

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Offline jlanz

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New Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm - Need advise
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:20:47 PM »
I just bought this handgun,  my first pistol.   Before I bought I did research and shot several guns at the range.  I was very accurate with S&W, glock, taurus millenium, and ruger 9mm's

I decided on the 24/7 pro because of the price, and i really liked the grip and way it fit my hand.

Anyway,  I went out to the range and shot 200 rounds.  All the other guns I shot has 3 dot sights,  my 24/7 pro has the 2 dot Heine sights.  I am not sure if its just me or if I cannot get used to these sights ?

I was shooting low and to the left all day,  6-9 inches off sometimes.   I am not the most advanced shooter but I did much better on the range rental guns....

What should I do, or what am I doing wrong?   I had another guy at the range shoot it too, he was better than me but thought it was off low too.  Should I change to 3 dot sights,  if so which ones, and can I install myself?    Or do I just need to practice and get used to these heine sights ??

I appreciate any input - thanks,


Offline aimhigh

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Re: New Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm - Need advise
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2010, 11:51:34 AM »
Mine was pretty much "on" left/right but I had the same problem with shooting low.   Careful fililing of the front sight brought the groups up some.  But now the sight looks "crappy".  I filed off so much that the white insert is showing on the top.  I was actually looking for posts to see if anyone put some "hi-vis" sights on their 24/7's when I saw this.  Realize you posted a few months back.  Any luck since then?

-AimHigh  (the handle comes from my old USAF days, and is not a smart aleck answer to your question)