Author Topic: Confusing '74 model '94  (Read 759 times)

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Offline demented

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Confusing '74 model '94
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:53:46 PM »
 According to the serial number its a 1974 model, anyhow.  Problem is that other than having a plastic buttplate instead of the steel waffle, every other part seems identical to a friends pre-64.  Hammer spring, shell lifter, lever pivot screw-everything internally is identical.  Is it possible that mine was put together with left over parts from ten years earlier?  Or at some point parts were changed?   It does have the cast take no/hold no blue receiver, but other than that....?

Offline Rangr44

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Re: Confusing '74 model '94
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 03:54:15 AM »

Pre-64's had machined lifters/carriers, etc.
Post-64's has stamped lifters/carriers/roll pins, etc.
Post-71's had cast  lifters/carriers, etc.

Given the general outrage over the Model 94 changes of 1964, changing out post-1971 upgraded parts into 1964 to 1970 Model 94's was fairly common with knowledgable owners.
Some pre-64 parts could be made to fit, but the only owners who bothered were those who bought in 1964-1970, before the upgraded drop-in parts were available from Winchester after 1971.

If your Model 94 is a 1974, it should have been issued with the cast carrier.
The cast carrier only LOOKS like a pre-64 machined carrier - the giveaway is the faint mold mark/line that runs down the length of it's center, and the pores visible in the rest/sides.

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Offline jimster

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Re: Confusing '74 model '94
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 08:00:06 AM »
A buddy of mine picked up a nice 1971 model 94 last year...I also was surprised at the way the pins looked, and his carrier.  We compared them to my 1963 and we were also scratching our heads.  I could tell his 1971 was a lot better loooking than the stamped parts in 1964's and 1965's that I looked at.
I don't know the parts story as well as some, sounds like the cast parts looked a lot better than stamped.  I found an article on the net last year while searching that claimed Winchester started using the same parts in 1971 that they did in pre-64 as far as lifters and pins, but I had a hard time believing this because it does not seem they would go back to machined parts.  I think the parts in my buddies 1971 just looked a whole lot better than the stamped parts.  Next time I'm over there I'm going to look hard at the carrier again and look for it to be cast.  It's a good shooter though, he got it for a decent price and it will do anything my pre-64 will do.  Not sure if it sounds the same when the action is worked, might have to compare that next time I'm over there, maybe it will sound different.

Offline John Y Cannuck

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Re: Confusing '74 model '94
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 07:11:54 AM »
Late in 1971 is when Winchester went to cast. I own one, I bought new back then in 30-30. It has been accurate, reliable, and a true friend for all these years. It's pictured with me in my avatar.
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Offline demented

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Re: Confusing '74 model '94
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 05:48:58 AM »
Mine is all machined other than the receiver, thats why I'm so confused as this rifles history.  I have no idea about parts from a pre-64 fitting a '74 model, but somehow, some way, someone either at Winchester or previous owner managed to do just that.