Well, it's going to be very close. The Democrat machine has successfully registered somewhere around 500K "phantom" voters that are either dead or have moved from their listed address on voter registration.
The way it works is that non-registered voters organized by Acorn, Move On, etc., or voters that have already cast ballots, stand in line at polling stations to inflate "turnout" counts by poll watchers. They enter the building, but don't vote. That way, the numbers match for poll counts vs ballots cast, even though a large portion of these line standers are not planning to vote (they are there to facilitate fraud).
Approaching the polls closing time, voters that are registered but not present have their votes cast in favor of the Democrat by poll workers sympathetic their candidate. In machine politics States (Illinois), this process ranges in impact from inconsequential to the B1 Bob Dornan effect (100k plus fraudulent votes cast in favor of the Democrat, costing Dornan the election). Others refer to it as the "Daly effect", referring to the JFK victory in 1960, won by voter fraud in Cook County.
Voter fraud experts give Brown a -4%, in other words, he'll need to win by 5% to squeek by with a 1% margin. It's going to be interesting. My money is on the Democrat.