A point was made last nite by a commentator that Obam has allways told us stright up excactly what he plans. The problem was people just got swept away in the Obama Wave and the dreamy speeches. They did not listen to what he was really saying.
Listen to him now ..he does not feel that he or his agenda is wrong or was even a mistake. he really feels in his heart even said that he had done so much to explain it to us (the American People) yet they (us) just did not understand hwo it was going to help them. he stated he was not giving up and he would renew trying to explain it better and he would get health care reform.
now the real message in this is..He really believes in his hearth that he hyas a destiny to fulfill and that we are just too dumb to understand what he and the left or doing. he feels it is his duty to give health care ..cap and trade for the good of us all. (that explaines why they could not be bothered by us because we were just too stupid and they were on a higher level than us. they must do this for our good.)
honestly if you listen closely to him and the other progressive leftist this is excactly what they are saying and they mean it. i am afraid that he will not give up nor will his cronies of the progressive left. not real honest democrats but the uber leftist and progressive leftist that have be in control of that party.
this man is a real and present danger to the future of this nation and we all must unite to stop his incessant march to socialism.
i urge everyone, like him or hate him, to watch the Glenn Beck program today I think it will open a lot of eyes to just what is going on in Obamas mind and just excactly why he is on the level of the other many despots in history.