Author Topic: Wisconsin Outdoor Report March 18, 2010  (Read 410 times)

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Wisconsin Outdoor Report March 18, 2010
« on: March 18, 2010, 12:17:30 PM »
Unseasonably warm temperatures across the state this week melted all snow cover across the state in the last week. Temperatures reaching into the 60s also opened up a lot more rivers and have started to open small lakes in southern Wisconsin, and eroded shorelines in the north. Ice is now becoming dangerous through central Wisconsin. The north and south forks of the Flambeau River have opened in the last week. While colder temperatures and some snow are forecast this weekend, snowmobile and ski trails are now closed statewide and will no longer be maintained or groomed for the year.

The deteriorating ice conditions have pretty much brought the ice fishing season to an end. Very few anglers have been venturing out as access has become difficult with quite a bit of open-water showing up along shorelines. Ice cover has dropped down to about 10 to 14 inches and ice has become soft and honeycombed. Overall, ice conditions are generally unsafe and dangerous. Those anglers still venturing out report bluegills have been getting a bit more active but that crappie action has been sporadic.

The ice is also rapidly deteriorating on Green Bay, with and open water being seen from some landings. The ice fishing season is coming to a quick close on the west shore of Green Bay. On the Door County side, anglers were continueing to venture out and reported success for whitefish, walleye and some northern pike. Open water river anglers are fishing for walleye, with activity picking up on the Menomonie, Fox, Wolf, Rock, Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers, with anglers concentrating below dams.

Lake Michigan tributaries are open and were running high but dropping. The Sheboygan harbor is open and the boat launch is usable. Open water anglers have been catching a few browns near the Port Washington power plant discharge. A few steelhead have been taken in upstream stretches of Sauk Creek. In Milwaukee anglers fishing the Milwaukee River have been catching a few browns and rainbows. Flows were good on the Menomonee River and Oak Creek, and some steelhead have been taken from both. In Racine the Root River is open, but water levels have been quite high and fair numbers of steelhead have been in the river. The Root River Steelhead Facility should be in operation later this week.

With the early loss of snow cover, the spring wildfire season got an early start, with the first wildfire of the year occurring March 6in Dane County when fire escaped from a land owner burning a debris pile burning down a barn. With bare ground, some burning permits are now required in some areas for residential burning.

Fox and gray squirrels are taking advantage of warming weather and lengthening days by feeding furiously on nuts and seeds that have remained buried all winter under the snow and have begun hauling nest building materials up the trees. Raccoon, skunk, muskrat, and opossum are out of their dens looking for a bite to eat and some bears have been driven from dens by the snow melting in on them. River otter sign along creeks and streams is more evident as male otters increase their movements during their breeding season.

A huge influx of migratory birds occurred this week. Robbins, red-winged blackbirds, sandhill cranes and more have returned and waterways are filling up with ducks, geese, and swans. A few male wild turkeys have been seen strutting and displaying. While these behaviors are signs of the impending breeding season, there is still a ways to go before breeding actually begins. The permits remaining after the drawing for the spring turkey hunting season go on sale beginning next Monday, March 22. Leftover permits will be sold by zone, one zone per day, with each zone having a designated sales date. Check the DNR Web site for Spring Turkey Permit Availability.

A three-minute audio version of this report can be heard by calling (608) 266 2277.

A new report is put on the line each week.

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Superior DNR Service Center area

Brule River State Forest - The first day of spring is Saturday, March 20 and it sure has felt like it. Temperatures in the 40s to 60s have melted the majority of the snow and melted the ice from the edges of lakes and ponds. The warm weather is enticing some of the migrating birds back into the area. Canada geese, trumpeter swans, and robins have been sighted recently. Ruffed grouse are catching the spring fever as the males have been seen displaying for the females. Skunks and raccoons are out of their dens looking for a bite to eat and some bears have been forced out of their dens due to the snow melting in on them. Ticks are becoming more active, looking to dine on whatever... or whoever walks within their reach….time to get out the Frontline for the pets! The willows are beginning to put on their spring show. Like the robins, pussy willows are one of the classic harbingers of spring with their "furry" grey catkins. The 2009 Brule River Fall Fishway update is now out. Anglers are getting geared up for the upcoming fish opener (Highway 2 to Lake Superior) on the Brule River on March 27. It is reported that the Brule River is open all of the way to the mouth now. As of March 18 the Brule is flowing at 278 cfs (cubic feet per second). The warm weather has put a damper on winter recreation. All winter recreational trails under the management of the Douglas County Forestry Department have been closed for the season, and unless there is a new dumping of snow, the Afterhours Ski Trails will not be groomed anymore due the soft conditions. Participation for the 15th annual River View Loppet ski race at the Afterhours trail was not as high as usual this year due to the warm weather, other races, and the local sports tournaments. Temperatures were in the mid 30s at the beginning of the race and in the 40s towards the end of the race.

Park Falls DNR Service Center area

Upper Chippewa Basin fisheries report (Price, Rusk, Sawyer Taylor and inland Ashland and Iron counties) - With the unseasonably mild weather of the past week, ice conditions have very quickly deteriorated and nearly brought the ice fishing season to an end. Very few anglers have been venturing out as access onto the lakes has become difficult with quite a bit of open-water areas showing up along the west and north shorelines. Many lakes have dropped down to about 10 to 14 inches of ice and the upper layer has become soft and honeycombed. Overall, ice conditions are generally unsafe and dangerous.

Flambeau River State Forest - Snowmobile and Ski trails are closed for the season. The South and North Forks of the Flambeau River have open water. The South Fork at least near Hwy. W appears to be totally open. Local lakes are still for the most part ice covered, but the ice near the shore is very thin. We are seeing more signs of spring. Skunks are out and the locals are tapping maple trees. Snow cover appears to be gone for the most part except on north slopes and in the swamps.

Woodruff DNR Service Center area

Upper Wisconsin Basin fisheries report (Oneida, Vilas, Lincoln, Langlade, Forest and Florence counties) - Ice is deteriorating rapidly across northeast Wisconsin. There are still plenty of anglers venturing out by foot, but after this week's warmer-than-normal temperatures things will begin to get sketchy. Conditions are at least a couple weeks ahead of normal for this area Fishing in general has been fair. With the game fish season closed now, there are some panfish anglers out enjoying the nice weather. Bluegills have been getting a bit more active in shallow bays near weed lines. Crappie action has been sporadic but should improve with the last days of safe ice cover. Live bait has been working best. Try a tip-down baited with a minnow for best results. The Spring Hearings will be held on April 12 at 7 p.m., in each county of the State. This is your chance to get out and vote on new fish and wildlife rule change proposals. Check the DNR website for more information.

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Peshtigo DNR Service Center area

Above normal temperatures, sunny days, and rain has made most of the landing areas impassable to vehicle traffic. The ice fishing season is coming to a quick close on the west shore of Green Bay.

Marinette County - The Menominee River from Stephenson Island to the Hattie Street Dam is seeing moderate to heavy pressure. Early mornings and evenings are seeing some walleye being caught using twister tails and Raps. Brown trout were being caught in significant numbers close to the dam casting Cleo's, silver/green, silver/orange, and silver/blue in 3/4 oz is working well. The occasional rainbow has also been showing up. All these fish were being caught in open water.

Oconto County - Ice conditions are suspect with most ice being black in color, couple this with broken ice or mud conditions at the landings resulted in a total lack of fishing pressure.

Governor Thompson State Park - The ice is turning black and quickly disappearing from inland lakes. The ice is not safe on Caldron Falls Flowage, as the power company is lowering the reservoir up to 4 ft. to account for spring run-off. The ice on the flowage will fall in this week-due to the water being level dropping. The park’s 16 miles of hiking trails are now open. The sights and sounds of spring are popping up all over the park. A red-winged black bird was spotted today at the office.

Green Bay DNR Service Center area

Brown County - Boats dominate the waterscape at Voyageur Park. Shore anglers are casting for walleye with twister tails and stick baits. Boaters are vertical jigging with lead staying within a foot of the bottom, hooks are tipped with gulp or minnows. A few people are still fishing Sunset Beach, some are venturing out on four-wheelers and some are going out on foot. Pike fished with shiners or smelt in shallow water are producing a few nice fish.

Sturgeon Bay DNR Service Center area

Door County – Sturgeon Bay anglers have been targeting northern pike over the last week with most fish being caught in front of the state park. The ice however is rapidly deteriorating and open water can be seen from the landing. Also some anglers have been fishing off Birminghams. Anglers at Little Sturgeon Bay have been catching whitefish in the vicinity of Henderson Point, with most anglers having luck using Swedish pimples tipped with waxworms or a minnow for bait. A few pike were being caught in the weeds in 5-10 feet of water. Anglers have also been catching a few walleye off Larson’s Reef. The ice around the reef is very black and honeycombed. Red River anglers have been catching good numbers of whitefish in 10 feet of water straight out from the landing. Due to ice conditions anglers have been walking out to their favorite spots. Anglers have been finding some action from whitefish at Volks Reef. Most anglers have been using a small jig tipped with a waxworm to get the whitefish to strike. Also some walleye are being caught. The best tactic for the walleye has been on tip-ups or jigging spoons.

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Kohler-Andrae State Park - Most snow has melted. Some snow can still be found in shady wooded areas, along roadways, and in parking lots. Nature trails, hiking trails, and roadways may be slippery. Visitors are reporting bald eagle sightings. Visitors may also see a red fox. The sandhill cranes and red wing black birds are back. A bird is constructing a nest in the office bird cam box. The park water system is scheduled to be turned on April 16.

Havenwoods State Forest - Trails are very wet due to recent snow melt. Deer, squirrels, raccoon, turkeys, red-tailed hawk, cooper's hawk, owls, mourning doves, chickadees, juncos, nuthatch, downy woodpeckers, and sparrows are being seen.

Lake Michigan fisheries team report

Sheboygan County - In Sheboygan, the Sheboygan and Pigeon rivers are open, and flows are high but dropping. Conditions should be better by the end of the week. The Sheboygan harbor is open and the boat launch is usable.

Ozaukee County - In Port Washington open water anglers have been catching a few browns near the power plant discharge. Both spawn sacs and skein have produced fish. A few steelhead have been taken in upstream stretches of Sauk Creek.

Milwaukee County - In Milwaukee anglers fishing the Milwaukee River along the wall under the Hoan bridge have been catching a few browns and rainbows. Spawn and small shiners have produced the most fish. Flows are good on the Menomonee River and Oak Creek, and some steelhead have been taken from both.

Racine County - In Racine the Root River is open, but water levels have been quite high. Flows have been dropping the past couple of days, and with no rain the rest of this week, conditions should be good for the weekend. Fair numbers of steelhead have been in the river, and both spawn sacs and natural pattern flies have been productive. The Root River Steelhead Facility should be in operation later this week, with the first fish processing day next week.

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Dodgeville DNR Service Center area

Wyalusing State Park - The Mississippi River is on the rise. River level was 11.5 March 15, up 0.8 of a foot from the previous day. Most trails will be free of snow, with the exception of north facing slopes. Some trails may be muddy and wet in spots. Sentinel Ridge Trail should be the trail that is in the best hiking condition for this time of year. A few cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers, juncos and nuthatches can still be found at the office bird feeders. Bluebirds have been taking advantage of the moths that are attracted to the light near the self-registration station at the office. Returning spring migrants include: killdeer, bluebirds, robins, sandhill cranes, turkey vultures and red -winged blackbirds. Male goldfinches are sporting spots of bright yellow as they molt into their breeding plumage. The trees are alive with male cardinals calling in the early morning.

Fitchburg DNR Service Center area

Dane County - Lakes in southern Wisconsin are opening up rapidly with the recent warm temperatures. People should definitely stay off whatever ice is left in southern Wisconsin. Grey squirrels have begun hauling nest building materials up the trees. Sandhill cranes are back in Wisconsin, several seen early last week in Dane and Jefferson Counties.

Jefferson County - Anglers are actively fishing the Rock River in Watertown below the dams and at the wastewater treatment plant. A few walleye were being caught but most are smaller males. Dipnetters are actively fishing the Crawfish River at Hubbleton and catching mostly carp. A few smaller buffalo were being raised in the nets but the water temperature is still cold. The backwater areas on the Rock and Crawfish rivers still have ice on them however it is getting close to disappearing. Water levels are up on the rivers with some low lying areas being flooded. A few anglers have ventured out on the rivers in boats now that the ice is gone off the main channels.

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Baldwin DNR Service Center area

St. Croix County – The first pair of eastern bluebirds were seen and heard in the area on Sunday, March 14. The first chorus frogs were singing yesterday, Monday March 15 in the Baldwin area. And, red-winged black birds, sandhill cranes and grackles made their appearances over the past 3 days.

Willow River State Park - The weather has been mostly dry with no major rainfalls in the Willow River watershed. The dam gate was closed the afternoon of Wednesday, March 17. Given the present conditions, trout anglers should see a good water level and clarity early next week, possibly sooner. Runoff has been early this year. Trails are starting to firm up. Bluebirds have been sighted in the park. Campers will need to carry tents in to the main campground. The campground will open for vehicle use around April 15.

La Crosse DNR Service Center area

A few male wild turkeys have been seen strutting and displaying. While these behaviors are signs of the impending breeding season, there is still a ways to go before breeding actually begins. Fox and gray squirrels are taking advantage of warming weather and lengthening days by feeding furiously on nuts and seeds that have remained buried all winter under the snow. Raccoon, skunk, muskrat, mink, and opossum activity has increased as temperatures have increased. River otter sign along creeks and streams may be more evident this time of year as male otters increase their movements during the March - April breeding season.

Wildcat Mountain State Park - With the warm weather most of the snow has melted spring is in the air. Hiking Trails are wet and muddy at this time. Turkeys are gobbling and sandhill cranes are back. Horse trails are closed until May 1.

Crawford County - As of March 15, all snowmobile trails in Crawford County are closed. Another warm and sunny week melted most of the snow in the county. Baring extremely cold weather and ample snowfall the snowmobile trails might be closed for the season. A huge influx of migratory birds occurred this week. Robbins, red-winged blackbirds, sandhill cranes and more have returned to the area. Local waterway are beginning to fill up with ducks, geese, and some swans. Most areas are now frost free and some grass and weed species are starting to show up. This is a good time of year to look for and eradicate garlic mustard plants. The Mississippi River is really on the rise. Last week the river was around the 8 foot mark. As of March 15, the Mississippi River was at 10.25 feet and rising. The forecast, baring any heavy rain, is for a continuing rise of several feet nearing the 14 foot mark. Ice conditions in most areas took a beating this week. Although many of the back water area still have decent ice access is nearly impossible. Most of the popular ice fishing spots have anywhere between 10 to 24 inches of ice. The main channel and the east channel of the Mississippi River opened up last week. With the exception of backwater and “shelf” ice, the river is open. Most of the boat landings on the Mississippi River’s main channel are ice free. Prairie du Chien Area and Lower bottoms: The increase in water level has made access to many areas difficult or dangerous. Garnet Lake and Pickerel Slough were slow. White bass (stripers) action picked up a bit this week in Dillman’s pit. White bass were being caught on jigging stick baits or sweedish pimples near the bottom of 40 feet of water. Ice conditions are pretty good there with over 20 inches of ice. Rotten Slough, St. Feriole Slough and Hunter’s Slough, located near the sewer treatment plant, are unsafe for travel as open water exists in many locations. St. Feriole Slough opened up this week. Prairie du Chien Ambro Slough Complex: Access is a real problem on the Ambro Slough because of the high water. Shorelines have deteriorated and in some areas several feet of open water exist along the shore line. Most anglers that have air boats or hoover craft can access back water areas. Gremore Lake did produce bass and crappie along with a few perch. For the most part Gremore has about 20 or so inches of ice. Tilmont Lake produced some crappie this week, but bluegill action has been slow. Mud Slough was very slow again this week. Good ice conditions exist on Tilmont Lake and Mud Slough, however anglers are now faced with open water on the Ambro and Black Sloughs. The Lower Doubles, Fish Lake and Little Missouri has been spotty with some smaller bluegill and a few decent crappie being taken. Access to these areas by foot is impossible. Big Missouri and the Upper Doubles have produced bass, crappie and perch. But again, access to these areas is difficult. The Fennimore Cut has produced some perch, crappie and bluegill. The bluegills have been running small and overall action was spotty. Spring Lake has been very slow even though good ice conditions exist. Spring Lake has produced a few bluegill and crappie just under the ice. Sturgeon Slough Area: Current is now flowing through Sturgeon Slough, which creates difficult and dangerous conditions. With the increase in water levels anglers are no longer able to ventured down to Sturgeon (aka McGregor or Horseshoe) Lake. There had been some crappie, perch, northern and bass action on Sturgeon Lake’s south end. Cold Spring: Fishing here remains very slow. Reports of a few small bluegill and an occasional crappie and a fair amount of small bass have been reported. Ice conditions on the southern lobe are starting to deteriorate. Cold Spring is considered inland water. Mississippi River: The boat landing at Gordon’s Bay is now open to boat traffic. All the ice is gone from the landing and for the most part the river is clear of ice by the dam. Anglers are reminded to pay for their launch fee prior to heading out onto the water. Walleye and sauger anglers had been venturing out by boat with some success. Sauger action has been slow. Walleye action has been even slower. Many feel that success will get better now that the river is on the rise.

Eau Claire DNR Service Center area

Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Reserve Unit - As of March 17, the snow has melted off of the majority of trails with only a few shady spots having any remaining. Trails are well packed but may be muddy in spots. Maple and aspen trees are just starting to bud out and pussy willows should be making their debut soon. Because of poor ice conditions, fishing has ceased on local lakes. Sandhill cranes are back with the resident CM family returning once again. This pair has successfully raised one chick every year and frequently visits the front lawn where they hunt for grubs and insects. Chipmunks are out of hibernation and are busy running to and from the feeders with a cache of seeds in their cheek pouches. Red squirrels are in courtship and male red-winged blackbirds are slowly starting to arrive in hopes of claiming the best nesting sites.

Wisconsin Rapids DNR Service Center areai

Buckhorn State Park – As of March 14, ice on the lake was slowly melting. There was open water on the south side of the bridge on Sunday. The boat launches were still frozen over and launch A in the park will have ice push damage repaired soon.

Last Revised: Thursday March 18 2010