when america was primarily white and racist (openly) the socialists tried to use race and christianity to demonize others and fire people up for big nationalism... when that finally failed enough for them to see the idiocy of turning us into lemmings, they decided to get the ones who hate the system/feel left out or whatever to damn themselves to damn themselves more and drag everyone else with them (white trash, illegals, extremist muslim immigrants, and the black nationalists, welfare bums...etc). they're getting the people who suffer the worst to hurt themselves MORE by empowing them enough to keep the tension alive, stop them from assimilating. who really wants gang-bangers or affirmative action to live on? no one except gang-bangers and guys who can't compete without playing the race card. they don't have the votes to push it so why does congress give them a shoulder to cry on? to get them in the door and wedge it all the way open- get all the whiners voting rights and political clout to vote for big government to help them, to "turn it around on the man" even, even though they are numerical minorities and would be the first to feel the pain of a truely oppressive government. most are uneducated and blame everyone but themselves, so they don't have the motivation or intellect to look introspectively and try to climb out of the whole, but they sure can dig it deeper are drag us down into it with them!
identity politics usually boils down to just that, and little else. obama is NOT black ideologically but a socialist using the black mantle to lead minorities into socialism, getting them in formation soon to be followed by the rest of us- what democrats/progressives have been doing since the 1920's.