Well for all he screws up, the man does hunting like it used to be done. He actually hunts. In today's times many don't hunt. Either a guide "leads them to the quarry" , or they set off with a super duper magnum and "shoot" the quarry.
In this later environment truthfully skill at shooting, doping the wind, and a few charts on trajectory, along with probably a range finder, today's "hunter" is not actually "hunting" but, as I said is just "shooting". With all the technology, a good pair of binoculars, a spotting scope, and a good place to sit, is all that's required in many cases.
I know that statement is gonna make some mad, but hey! It's what I do best. Take the technology away from those folks, along with the batteries, and see what happens. Some will still make kills, some won't, and some will give up.
Anyone whom does things in front of cameras wants attention. If they didn't they would get in front of the camera. They no doubt do it for different reasons, but the end result is the same.