Author Topic: 308 handirifle help  (Read 267 times)

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308 handirifle help
« on: February 04, 2010, 08:00:27 PM »
I may be in the wrong forum, if so please transfer where it goes.  I have a handi in 308 that shoots as well as I do.  It was my elk gun until I found a 45-70 handi.  I wish to use it for lighter work now.  I want to use it for varmint and have been trying to figure what to do.  It has crossed my mind to shorten barell to 17" to lighten muzzle weight and recrown.  I also want to load 110/125 grain rounds that won't treat my shoulder as harshly as a factory 180 grain elk load does.  Any help or thoughts will be warmly appreciated.  I have shortened and recrowned my 45-70 to 18" and it still holds to target and is a joy to shoot.  Oh yes, the 308 is going to be used 25 to 225 yds which is another reason to want it light, fast, and accurate maybe a ghost ring.

Thank you for your help,
