I think increasing the powder dose was the best advice I got. It was amazing.
Normally for my cast bullets a 13 grain charge of Lil' Gun works really well. But, it didn't work very well at all with a paper patched bullet.
So I loaded a box of incrementally increasing doses of Lil' Gun and hit the range.
The first two loads tattered the patches like usual, spewed bullets all over like a scattergun, and leaded the bore something ferocious.
The third one was the charm. At 16.2 grains of Lil' Gun the patches started unravelling in large pieces. And the groups immediately shrunk. No leading. I shot a few over the chronograph and it read an average ~1900 fps! Pretty dang good for a .357 Mag, 158 grain pure lead bullet. Yep, that's .357 magnum, not maximum.
16.9 grains of Lil' Gun did about the same, with no appreciable velocity increase.
A couple other things I changed: I switch to 25% cotton velum. That's some pretty strong stuff. I also use magnum primers to help give an extra sharp boost. But it was the stronger dose of powder that really did it. Incidentally 16.2 grains is getting close to 100% load density.
Hodgdon allows as high as 18 grains of Lil' Gun for a 158 grain jacketed bullet. So maybe I'll see if there's anything worthwhile when I approach that. Incidentally, what do you use for a max charge when pp'ing with smokeless? Do you use the "lead bullet" max or the jacketed bullet data?
No wads, no grease cookies. I'm using smokeless powder. I don't "patch up" to diameter, my bullets already exceed bore diameter. They are the same bullets I use "as cast". I just run the patched bullet (way oversized) through a .358" sizing die. That squishes the paper and bullet down to size. I love the idea because it is working and I didn't have to buy anything extra except the velum paper.