Author Topic: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge  (Read 2602 times)

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Offline john keyes

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okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« on: April 19, 2009, 12:17:56 PM »
put a lay away payment on a 6mm rem 788 for my son.  really clean, bolt serial number matched the gun, nice old wire reticle K4, etc.

next thing I know I'm at work checking out the wide world web on 788's, and from what i'm reading:

-the bolt will break off
-the brass will stretch because the rear lugged bolt will compress, causing sticky loading/extraction, then the bolt will break trying to open it
-the world will end   :o

oh well, I really wanted to call an expert gunsmith today but its sunday and i left him alone.

I'll call him tomorrow and see what he thinks
but i'm still buying it (I already told my 6 yo son)
and besides life's too short, lets see what happens.

any 788 owners out there?

are they junk?

Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 12:39:39 PM »
My dad has one he bought new in 78 I believe.  243 Win.

He's never had a problem with it.  Neither have I.  It may only get 5 shots a year, but it's been 30 years.

I have never heard of that rear lug bolt compression issue.

Offline Catfish

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2009, 01:28:38 PM »
I think your going to love it. It should make an excellant deer - varmint gun.

Offline Shooter973

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2009, 01:41:28 PM »
I shoot one in 223, and two in 30-30 that are just dandy, fine rifles. I haven't had any problems at all with any of mine. I guess I'm just a wild risk taker. Lucky to!!!.
No none of them are for sale I'll just continue taking my risks and enjoying some mighty fine shooting irons to boot.

Offline lazydrifter

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2009, 01:44:55 PM »
My son shoots a 243.  He loves it.  Everyone I know that has one says they are extremely accurate.  You have made a good choice.

Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2009, 01:52:01 PM »
You'll need a remington historian, but the way I understand it, the 788 was made to be an economy model rifle, since the 700's were to expensive for the common man at the time.  However, many of the afficianado's found that the much cheaper 788 was equally as accurate, and more gunsmith friendly for tuning tan the 700.  As such, the 700's sales started to suffer, and the 788 was sacrificed.

I have seen a couple in LH, (only made in 6mm and 308) and would have picked one up, if I had the funds available.

Offline mauser98us

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2009, 06:01:17 PM »
Not a Remmy guy,but have had my share of 788's. All that stuff is pure hogwash. They are great rifles

Offline john keyes

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 11:02:55 AM »
thanks for the replies doods 
I called the gunsmith today and had a good chat. I had worried about him since Hurricane Ike and had asked people about him. Anyhow he did acknowledge that the 788's did have some problems, the calibers larger than the .222 case stretched brass a bit.  As far as the bolt handles he said in the thirty something years he's been in business he has seen one broken, which he repaired and claimed it was quite a PITA.  And if mine breaks he can fix it.
He recommended I "spend my money on a 700"   ;D
(which I have a few of already.. ;D)

so its all good, I've got some dies/brass/bullets on the way. I laughed out loud to myself when I saw how fast the slowest starting loads are for this round. 

If the rifle doesn't work out, heck with it I'll get another rifle in 6mm because I'm liking what I see about the 6mm remington.
Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline ncsurveyor

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 12:19:43 PM »

If the rifle doesn't work out, heck with it I'll get another rifle in 6mm because I'm liking what I see about the 6mm remington.

anything based on a mauser cartridge can't be all bad........

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2009, 02:08:05 PM »
My dad bought me a 788 in .243 when I was a teenager.

It wasn't a real pretty gun, but it was scary accurate.

I'm sorry I sold it, and I think you'll be happy with the way it shoots.
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Offline charles p

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2009, 02:40:30 PM »
If you don't want it, send me an email.  I think it is a great rifle.

Offline bagdadjoe

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2009, 05:31:28 PM »
I've had a 22-250, 222, 223 , (2) 308's and all have been tack-drivers. I don't think most people will shoot one enough to stretch, bend or break one.  Quite a few have been sleeved and used as bench rest rifles (kinda like a lot of Kawasaki 900-1000's ended up on the drag strips). One of the few Remington rifles with charisma and charm.  Work up some loads and try it out.  That's the only way you'll know what it's capable of.  Like everything else, there's some jewells and some turds in a given population. Good luck!
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Offline james

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2009, 07:19:49 AM »
Don't worry, you got a good rifle.  I bought a .308 in 1972 and it has never failed me.  I picked up a used .223 and it is more accurate than my 700 BDL in the same caliber.  At my recommendation my brother bought a used 788 in 6mm and he is happy as a lark with it.   

Offline George Foster

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 12:43:25 AM »
I have had a 788 6mm since I bought it new in '76 and it is a very accurate rifle.  I have never had any problems with excess headspace from hot loads, the bolt handle falling off, etc.  I also had a 22-250 that I just sold and never had any problems with that rifle either, I think some problems attributed to the 788 are old wives tales.
Good Shooting,

Offline Swampman

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 12:49:13 AM »
The 788s were (and are) great & very accurate guns.  Pay no attention to the nay sayers.
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Offline DavOh

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2009, 11:32:54 AM »
My dad bought his .308win 788 in the early seventies.  Over 30 years, hundreds of deer fell to that sweet old gal...  The last 10 years of its life, it served me well in the deer woods.  with thousands of rounds through it, it only ever misfired once, due to a bad primer in cheap ammo.  Speaking of cheap ammo, All we ever fired out of it was 150 gr Remington Corlokts.  I never in my life ever printed a true 5 shot group of more than 1.25", and 3 rapid fire shots would more often than not be touching, or at least < .5".   (groups @ 100 yds, though most practice back then was at 300)

I nearly cried when My dad told me he had to sell it.(I was 23 at the time)

If I ever come across a .308win 788 with a 20 in barrel(all i ever find are the carbines), I will buy it.

Offline jro45

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2009, 03:15:54 AM »
I bought a 788 in 22-250 at K Marts Long time ago. Like was already said my bolt handal
broke when a had a cartrige hard to come out. So I called the facture. They said to mail it to them and they would replasce it. So I did It cost me $100.00.

Offline john keyes

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2009, 09:18:08 AM »
I haven't forgotten about you guys, the layaway deadline is july 6 or something when I have to get it out. I'll get some pics of my son with it and a full range report.
we've had the ammo loaded up for a month or so
Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline DavOh

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2010, 05:37:31 PM »
Well bumpity bump... how'd that old 6mm turn out?? I dont see much about the 788 on these forums, and would love to hear a good success story!

Offline john keyes

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2010, 12:23:17 PM »
here ya go dude, thanks for askin:,175187.msg1098830331.html#msg1098830331

and some light load results:

6mm Rem 788

36.0 H380 / 80 gr coreloct  (light load for my 6 year old son)  2643, 2649, 2676

Though taken from established manufacturers' sources and presumed to be safe please do not use any load that I have posted. Please reference Hogdon, Lyman, Speer and others as a source of data for your own use.

Offline Frank46

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 05:50:03 PM »
keep the bolt lugs lubricated and clean the lug recesses on the receiver thats where the wear comes from. Had one in 222 rem and shot like a house afire. your son will enjoy it. Frank

Offline mt_dren

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2010, 02:31:19 PM »
I have a 788 in 243 with an old weaver scope (4x?) that I bought on layaway when I was 12, which was about 16 years ago.  It is my favorite rifle...the only problem I have had is sometimes the bolt is difficult to close.  It has taken many deer and the accuracy is outstanding with it. I would buy another one for sure...

Offline bomtek44

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Re: okay so I'm just a high risk guy living life on the edge
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2010, 10:32:17 AM »
The Remington 788 was one of the best shooters ANY manufacturer ever made. Light Shiny Pretty Teeny tiny betcha!!

My 6mm was bought brand new in 1980. It will put 5 Sierra 85 grain Game Kings into one ragged hole. Shoots .25 to .5 inch all day long.  When they first came out, the .243, 6mm, and .308 had 22 inch barrels. The .223 and .22-250 had 24 inch barrels. A year or two before they were discontinued, the deer calibers were shortened to 18.5 inches. I blew the dust off a green box in a country store several years after they were discontinued..... and there was a 22 inch .308 begging to go home with me. Sadly it had headspace problems and I sent it back to Remington, who replaced it.....with an 18.5 inch model. Needless to say, I was hot and had several discussions with Remington over that decision.

My 6mm will never leave. My wife uses it when she can hunt and killed her first deer with it. I see them selling around here for $495-$795 depending on caliber.

I wish you well with it. It will serve you well!
