I'm out of the work force myself, but our area has not been affected. The biggest employer in the Fairbanks area is the Federal Government. US Army, US Air Force, BLM, US Fish & Wildlife, Park Service, FAA, USGS, and US Dept Of Agriculture. Then comes the State Government. Then the oil Companies, and the Mineing industry.
In fact a lot of the workers at the new Gold Mine near Delta are from places like Kentucky, and commute, back and forth. They are doing like so many of the oil workers on the north slope, work six weeks on then two weeks off.
Then every summer the construction companies bring 100s of workers up from the lower 48 for the building season. They bring the same workers up year after year. We also have a big mining project opening up in about two years. Alaska will not be able to provide all the work force they will be needing to make preperations for opening that big project. For info Google "Pebble Partnership".