Even the govt. makes it's employee's take drug tests. So, according to some of you, as long as a person is living off the govt. teat, you should be given the liberty of getting free money and taking drugs too. I'm looking at this all wrong. Where do I sign up. Do I get money for my booze? If I get pulled over driving, do I get a ''get out of jail'' card, as long as I'm on the govt. dole. Where's my flat screen TV? As long as I have some money for drugs, since I don't know any drug dealers that take food stamps or cards, does that mean that my housing is paid for to?
As long as a person takes govt. aid, conditions must be set. And, as far as I'm concerned, drug tests should be one of them. If you have money for drugs, you don't need aid. As a matter of fact, if it was up to me, if a healthy person takes govt. aid, they should make them go to work. Fix potholes,cut grass, shovel snow, janitor in public buildings. Bring back the work programs of the '30's. Bet the union boys will have fun with that idea. gypsyman