IT'S DONE !!!!!I'z the proud Mama of a 1/3 scale 6-pounder! :shock:
Ya kin drop by me Web page at 'n' see bigger pictures.
I wanna thank you fellers fer all your help along the way.
I got lots of good information from the experienced hands on this board and I'm right proud of how it all turned out.
Winter has set in hard up here (which is why I finally got around to hand-making them dadblasted $#%$$% chains) so thar won't be much cannon shootin 'til spring. Maybe by then my friend will have finished my wooden wheels and I can put them steel wheels back on my gun cart!
It's been a long haul! It waz last winter when the insanity came upon me 'n' I decided to build a cannon. I started collecting material in April and making chips in May, so I guess I have about 1,000 hours and around $500 in this little feller. I am sure PROUD of it and happy with the way everything turned out.
Come next spring, when the Cowboy Action shooting season starts up again, it's going to get lots of range time and travel quite a few miles (assuming our Canadian Firearms Center staff can figger out howinhell they'z gonna register it :wink: )
Thanks agin fellers fer all the help, it is appreciated more than you'll know.