Well today was my third day. Nothing touched yet :cry: . I relured all traps, unfroze the one I had in the dirthole. I also placed another 6 sets up on the dryland area about 500 yards or so away from the water. I placed all of them around a fair sized cornfield. I also had 4 different lures as well as some sardines. Good thing about today is I finally found some sign. On the back of the field there were a bunch of coyote tracks so I set a dirthole on the field edge. Also found a lot of coon scat in a narrow patch of woods between two cornfields. I am taking my girls with me tomorrow morning to check traps. They are pretty excited. It was tough getting up today to check the line. Worked outside in the freezing weather for 17 hours and drove an hour on top of that home. Turned around 4 hours later to check traps and then go back to work. Those long liners sure have my respect. Weather forecast looks to be warmer (40's) for the rest of the weekend and next week, but with snow and rain showers for four days. Still have 4 more traps to set just undecided where to put them. Glad I did not go overboard when I was buying traps. Went to the local furbuyer to pick up my trap tags today. I have never seen so many coon in one place in my life. Makes me wonder what I am doing wrong to not even get a empty snapped trap. Also, all the coon in the shop were whole. Do people not skin their own anymore? I was pretty surprised with that. Well hoefully the morning brings a skunk or I would be happy with a grinner, LOL.