He just wants the deer dead
Thats the way it is down here where we hunt. There are several people who trespass, but as long as it stays peaceful the farmers will let them hunt. Actually that is part of the reason I hunt there. First time I had permission to bow hunt, one of the nieghbors snuck in behind me and unloaded an SKS. He did it because every year he had a bunch of friends come to town and hunt the whole area WITHOUT permission. From the day untill today, my friends and family have vowed as long as we hunt it will be mainly there. Guess who does NOT hunt the area anymore

In fact as soon as I figured out his favorite spot, I built a permant stand 25 yards away. I would actually shoot squirrels until he would give up for the day and go home. Needless to say he no longer hunts the area

I know about the pressures of crowds to say the least. But like you said, it is a place to hunt.