Author Topic: Another one bites the dust...  (Read 989 times)

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Another one bites the dust...
« on: March 02, 2010, 01:15:24 AM »
He was 180 pounds and DRT approaching broadside within 65 yards.  Head shot with a 270 Win 150 grain Nosler Partition.  BIG headache.  Not another step.  I had to drag him with the truck to a suitable oak tree, haul up a block and tackle, and hoist away to assist me in getting him into the bed of the truck by myself.  By the time I got back from the processor's it was 11:00 PM.  After cleaning up I went to bed tired, happy and hungry.  I am ready for a big breakfast of sausage this morning.

Offline chutesnreloads

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Re: Another one bites the dust...
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 03:53:24 PM »
Way to go.All the funs over once the shot is made.

Offline rickt300

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Re: Another one bites the dust...
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 06:59:52 AM »
I am getting to the point of using Partitions a lot on hogs. I have a good number of them in 7MM and .277. Presently though I am impressed with the 130 gr. Nosler Solid bases I bought 500 of the last time I saw them on the Pro shop web site. Tough bullet  and I haven't recovered one from a hog yet. If I had to pick one bullet for my 7x57 it would be the 140 gr. Nosler Partition. As for the dragging part on my lease I can get a truck to the hog usually and then I just tie it to the truck and drag it to the hanging tree by the cabin.
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Re: Another one bites the dust...
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 07:51:41 AM »
Wish i could help.
I can turn a Pig into food in about 2 hours.  If you want I can show you how to use everything but the Squeel.
My friend used to work for Farmer John and that was their in house motto.

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Re: Another one bites the dust...
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 10:40:54 AM »
Quote from: mcwoodduck
I can show you how to use everything but the Squeel.

ROFLMAO...make it stop!  Now that was good.  Thanks for that afternoon pick-me-up.  I needed it.

Quote from: rickt300
I am getting to the point of using Partitions a lot on hogs.

I went through "bullet tests" on hogs and deer with 150 grain Speer Spitzers, Grand Slam, Nosler Ballistic Tips, and Partitions.  The Partitions, by far, were the least meat disruptive, favorably accurate, and counted the most DRT shots that I need for the "Dismal Swamp" that adjoins my land.  I either anchor them or lose them to the swamp.  No in between.  It is so thick back there in palmetto that to track a wounded hog, without a dog, is, IMO, suicide.  Can't carry a gun over there so you are naked in that.  If it is found alive and charges, you're messed up at most, far from the truck, on your hands and knees, and changing your pants at least.

Offline Wynn

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Re: Another one bites the dust...
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2010, 02:03:34 PM »
I have begun to load 140 Partitions in my 6.5x55 exclusively. I tried most other bullets and found the Partition to be the most efficient. I have only recovered one Partition. It was a rear end shot on a running hog that entered at the tail and traveled the length of the hog into the base of it's neck. We measured the wound channel at 23 inches of mostly bone. Weight retention of the 140 gr bullet was 81 grains and it expanded to .49 diameter. Out of 50 or so hogs I have taken with that rifle and load, the exit hole is typically 1 1/2 inches. I try to use head or neck shots but this is mostly control shooting so we take whatever shot we get.
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