I did some checking to see if the 851 ( I think that's what it is, .38spl "bodyguard") would take m85 grips and it does just fine. the 94, 941 and such are/were listed to as well in the dealer catalog I was shown at the time (about two months ago). I got the hogue monogirps, if you do so as well, be prepared, they will fit TIGHT! I'm a young guy and I work out a lot and really had to fight them all the way and take a break once to finish the job.
that discrepancy shows up on the taurus large frame revolvers too- I think the issue is different small and large frames in the 80's and 90's than is/are available now on current and "newer" guns. I assume that you're getting a "newer" gun? if so, let me know how well it shoots for you- I've thought about getting a 22lr (or mag)lately because I'm tired of searching for brass, polishing...etc.