Author Topic: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag  (Read 685 times)

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Offline woofert

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Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« on: March 06, 2010, 07:32:47 AM »
Good Day All,

I’m considering the purchase of a bullet mould to be used specifically for my Super 14 barrel in 44 Mag.

I’m currently loading 240 gr. JHP using 2400, Blue Dot and Win 231. Any of the three powders mentioned give good results, accuracy is under 2 inches at 50 yards.

But when loading a purchased 240 gr. LSWC with any of the powder mentioned, accuracy falls off with 3 to 4 inch groups at 50 yards.

I already cast bullets for some of my milsurp rifles so casting is nothing new to me. The alloy I use is wheel weights with some lead-free solder added to help fill out the mould.

My question is what moulds are best for the Contender barrel?

Do I want a heavier or lighter bullet, what about gas checks?

What powders work best in 44 Mag with cast bullets?

Thanks for your time,


Offline WayneS

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2010, 08:17:18 AM »
Good Day All,

I’m considering the purchase of a bullet mould to be used specifically for my Super 14 barrel in 44 Mag.

I’m currently loading 240 gr. JHP using 2400, Blue Dot and Win 231. Any of the three powders mentioned give good results, accuracy is under 2 inches at 50 yards.

But when loading a purchased 240 gr. LSWC with any of the powder mentioned, accuracy falls off with 3 to 4 inch groups at 50 yards.

I already cast bullets for some of my milsurp rifles so casting is nothing new to me. The alloy I use is wheel weights with some lead-free solder added to help fill out the mould.

My question is what moulds are best for the Contender barrel?1st thing you need to do is slug the barrel's throat,  there should be a sticky either here or on LBT's site

Do I want a heavier or lighter bullet, what about gas checks?That depends on what you want to do with your 44 Mag. Hunt, targer  ??? or plink mainly and hunt a little .Your T/C probably has a long throat, thus the need to slug or some how get the ID of the throat so you can properly size your bullets, As to molds I'ld start with a Lee, the reason I say this is that the as cast Dia. on RCBS will probably be on the small size, Lyman's hit or miss, and any other would be a group buy and not ready for delivery today

What powders work best in 44 Mag with cast bullets? The 3 you have are good, use the 231 for plinking, the 2400 for mid range and it + the H-110

Thanks for your time,


Offline Nobade

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2010, 11:26:18 AM »
The one I used to have shot really well with the Lee 310 bullet. It casts out big enough, about .433, to fit the contender's usually fairly generous barrel dimensions.
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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2010, 11:55:18 AM »
If they are run of the mill bevel base cast bullets you are lucky to be getting that good of groups.

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2010, 05:35:46 PM »
As far as a mold goes, try a standard type to establish a baseline. ex; Keith type,(plain base, square lube grooves).
Try a RCBS-250-K. Wt. is in the 260gr range with WW.
As far as powder with cast bullits, 2400 and Lil Gun will be nothing but forgiving as far as load workability, coupled with good velocities.

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2010, 08:28:22 AM »
WayneS is correct, especially about slugging the barrel.

Unless it's a custom barrel, I would bet that the bore diameter of your 44mag is somewhere in the range of .435-440. That's what I found my TC barrel to be when it was grouping they way yours is. I went to a custom makers barrel and using the same loads as I did with the TC barrel, at 50 yards it would bore one big hole and at 100 1-1/2 groups were the norm.

Offline WayneS

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2010, 02:35:26 AM »
Don't you just love it when someone comes here asking for advice/info, you use your time to answer the person AND then said person dosen't have the manners to come back and at least acknoweldge much less thank someone for their efforts

Offline Nobade

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Re: Cast loads for a Super 14 in 44 Mag
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2010, 03:01:41 PM »
Aw, that's alright. We're just a bunch of folks sitting around talking about guns anyhow. Anybody is free to listen or chime in, no telling what we'll learn from each other.
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