never used to effect me either till I turned 30, don't know why but now I get it bout at least once a year. had it this month during our 10 degree Ohio muzzle loader season. all bundled up and itching like a fool. that zanfel has a degreaser in it that helps dry up the oil, that's why it works. also has an abrasive to it to help open up oily pores to help dry them out. try GOJO orange hand cleaner with pumice, same principle and about 25 bucks cheaper. also, if you are in the boonies or camping, regular TABLE SALT will do it too. just wet the spot, season yourself with salt and rub away. the salt soothes the itch and pulls the oil out too. just rinse off when done. I do this twice a day and it keeps the itch away too. by the way, poison ivy has a 10-14 day cycle, so anything you buy commercially is mostly to help soothe the itch and will not make it go away any sooner anyhow(medical fact from wikipedia). just try the salt before you spend the $30.