" Do I need to anneal this brass or will it be ok to to run it through my sizer die and fireform?"
They will work fine without annealing, at least until the necks split due to work hardening. Since split necks are certain to destroy the cases the potential for over-heating the necks (the usual error) with a torch seems not a bad trade off. Proper annealing isn't difficult nor do we have to do it neeked on a full moon while doing certain chants, there's no magic in it.
Polish the necks first. Hold the cases in the off hand fingers and point the sharp tip of blue flame from an LP torch at the base of the neck while rotating the case so all sides get heated about the same. Drop the cases into a water bucket when your fingers get hot or you see a faint blue blush forming on the junction of the body and shoulder. If it's done right, you will never see the neck glow red (even if you do it in a darkend room) and the annealed necks will still have a bit of surface shine, not be dull. Yeah, it's a learning process and takes a few trys to get it right, same as learning to drive a car but it's not as difficult as that.