Author Topic: Need some help with a scope  (Read 933 times)

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Offline tguil

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Need some help with a scope
« on: July 17, 2010, 06:23:03 PM »
I know a bunch of you guys hunt with scopes mounted on your revolvers. 

I presently hunt with open sights (HiVis) an my handguns and limit my shots to 50/60 yards.  Same as I do bowhunting.  I am considering putting a quality 2X scope on my 7 1/2 inch Redhawk using a Weigand mount or purchase a new Super Blackhawk Bisley Hunter and use the machined mounting slots on the rib.

A couple of questions.  How hard is it to get used to using a scope on a handgun?  For 50/60 yard shots does it really help all that much?  Right now I don't have much of a problem "popping" a feral cat or a bunny at 25 yards using the open sights on my Mark II or a larger critter at a greater distance with my Redhawk  or GP100.

I hunt with a handgun only in crummy weather or when I am in heavy cover and want to be able to get off a quick shot. All of my long shots ...100 yards on up are taken with a scoped rifle.

I really am not all that fond of how a scope "looks" on a handgun, just like I am not very fond of a bunch of the clutter that some archers put on their bows.  I like to keep things as simple as possible even though I am almost 68 and my eyes aren't what they use to be.

Offline nickE10mm

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 06:26:51 PM »

From my experience, the scoped revolver shots at 50 yards will be more CONSISTENT hits but still take the same amount of time to aim for.... but the closer, 25-30 yard shots will be MUCH more accurately placed.  Surgical, almost. 

I know what you mean about the changed ergonomics on a scoped gun vs unscoped.  Its a tough decision to make, I agree.

Offline irold

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 10:26:23 AM »
 I hunt with both scoped and open sights, without a doubt a scope will help with your 40 to 50 yard shots.  However it is a different ball game too.  The revolver will be heaver , ya may find it harder to find your quarry in the'll find how much ya really shake.  Unless you hunt from a blind with a "built-in rest", ya need to learn to take advantage of all natural rests , trees , stumps , limbs etc. 

My Bisley hunter wears a 2X Leo , I still limit myself to around 50 yards....from sandbags it will certainly do its job at much longer ranges.  But I'm just not comfortable with the longer shots.  With my open sights , 25 to 30 yards is my goal.  I figure the same as a bow hunting. 

No doubt a revolver was not originally designed to wear a scope....however technology has come a long way, bet the native americans never thought a bow would have pulleys either.  Good luck with your decision

regards, irold

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 11:12:41 AM »
I had a SRH  in .480 Ruger with a 2X Leupold on it, and I could consistantly hit clay pigeons @ 100 yards offhand, but managed to miss two deer with it, mostly because of operator error, which is polite for saying I screwed up my shots.
I currently have a 2x7 Burris in my .454 Encore, and it's surprising how much more accurate the pistol is at any range. From a good rest I managed to hit a small piece of 2x6 that was jammed into the berm at the range @ 200 yards a few weeks ago. That's not typical for my shooting, but it can be done. I wouldn't shoot at a deer that far, but would try a 'yote... 
Alabama Hunter and firearms safety instructor

I really like my handguns!

Offline Bigeasy

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 01:28:46 PM »
You know, another option you might look at is a good, compact red dot type sight.  I often use this type of sight on my big bore revolvers for hunting at 100 yards or less.  This type of optic does not necessarily increase your maximum range, though it can.  What it does do for most shooters is increase your close / medium range accuracy and speed on target.  A lot easier to see under poor lighting conditions then iron sights.  You don't have to deal with limited field of view, and magnified "shakes" like you find in a magnified scope.

Ultra-Dot, Aimpoint both make quality tube type red dots.  The Burris FastFire ll is a good example of a small holographic type red dot sight.

Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

Offline farrerhaven

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 05:25:34 PM »
I just mounted a Ncstar 2-7 power scope on my Redhawk using a weigand mount.Its very easy!Then boresighted it,the scope had a loose partical that left oil on the inner-lens when shooting.Ncstar returned me a new scope!Now thats nice service!
Now its back to the range again.
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Offline sharkhunter

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2010, 08:00:42 AM »
The 2X scope is perfect for big game. I have a fixed 3X Burris on my .480 Ruger Rnging Bull and I wouldn't want any more for field shooting. One place the scope helps is at day break and late evening. That seems to be when I see the deeer or hogs anyway. Just get used to shooting with the scope and you should be set.

Good shooting,

Offline Catfish

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2010, 09:04:12 AM »
I mounted my first scope on a handgun is 1968. A 2X Leupold on a High Standard Dura Matic with custom made mounts. I shot alot of squirrel with that gun. Anyway, if you put a scope on a handgun target acquistion will be alot slower, and you will need to do alot of practing. My longest shot on deer with iron sights was with a Ruger Super Black Hawk and was abt 125 yrds. I have several 1 shot kills from 75 to 90 yrds with iron sights. Longest kill with a scope was abt 175 yrds. with an Encore in .357 Max. it was a 1 shot kill. I used to put several 1,000 rounds of ammo through a handgun every year, but any more am down to around 1,000 rounds a year, and I can tell you I have lost alot of the edge I had when shooting more. If your going to hundgun hunt do alot of shooting.

Offline mbopp

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2010, 03:30:15 AM »
For years I had a 2x Leupold on my 14" 357 Herrett TC. I tried a Bushnell Holosight on my slug shotgun, didn't like it, and decided to try it on the Herrett.
The Holosight has a new home. It has a wider field of view and isn't as critical as far as lining up a shot. Battery life is short though. The Leupold now resides on one of my 22 pistols.
You may want to look at a Burris Fastfire also.
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Offline flipajig

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Re: Need some help with a scope
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2010, 04:54:22 AM »
I also hunt with a handgun for short work I use a SBH in 44 mag 20 to 30 yds and that is it.
for longer shots I use a TC Contender its scoped and when I do my part depending on what barrel
any where from 50 to 200 yds in the field. shooting off a bench out to 300. on a rockchuck or a Pdog
just about any distance its a hoot to make a long shot with a hand gun..