Author Topic: Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 639 times)

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Offline KYtrapper17

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: November 11, 2003, 07:41:40 AM »
I checked my traps today. My first set was a snare. I can see this snare set from the house. I walked outside and saw something down there. I told my buddy I had something. We wnt down there and at first glance I thought I had someones black dog, but at closer inspection I saw that it was solid black coyote with a white blaze going down its brisket! How rare is it to catch one like this?

I also had two nice sow coons. On skinning coons I read that it is better to shorten the tail. Is it? Do they down grade you for this? Because I accidently ripped the tails off at about halfway down. Is this good, bad, or just really don't matter?

Zach Ellis :D
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Offline Dan Mich Trapper

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2003, 09:31:11 AM »
I have ripped tails in two before too , the buyer didnt downgrade me but it was only one in that bunch . I would try not to rip the tails just for the fact that it makes your furs look better and helps show that you take the time to skin properly and take pride in your work .
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Offline Wackyquacker

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2003, 10:49:46 AM »
So KY, did that coyote and those coons take the edge off or make it worse?'re hooked :)

Offline KYtrapper17

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2003, 12:17:02 PM »
It done a little of both. It took the edge off, but just made me get the trapping bug worse. :grin:
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Offline frozentoes

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2003, 02:47:47 PM »
Great to hear your success!!! I have never seen or heard of black yotes. That would be great for a mount. I on the other hand am still getting my butt kicked on my line. Tomorrow makes one week with one grinner. I have however had quite a few fired traps. Trying to figure the problem out a little at a time. How is your weather there? We finally got warmer and had rain all last night. Checking traps at 5 am makes a person very sleepy after working 10 hour days outside in the weather. I will however not let these critters beat me up too bad. Keep us posted with your line. I have been feeding off of everybody elses stories. Thanks. Mike

Offline Wackyquacker

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fired traps
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2003, 02:56:37 PM »
Toes, if your traps are firing and are not out of the bed you need to adjust them.  One way is to night latch and increase tension.  The night latch will give you min and consistent drop to fire.  The tension will insure solid foot placement and no movement.

Observe those fired trap sets  carefully for sign of the culprit.  If no sign you are probably experiencing freeze thaw fire which is common on lightly set traps with little or no pan tension.  Now go get em!

Offline frozentoes

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2003, 03:47:44 PM »
WQ- I had one trap that was fired three times. The first time it was in the bed and snapped. I wondered aboutt he cold weather doing it, it was in the teens that night. Next morning, same thing but moved a little. Not being the brightest trapper in the shed, I just reset it. Third morning, trap fired and moved to the end of the chain with a little fur in it. That is one of the sets I worked on. I bedded the trap shallower than before and tightened the tension. All my footholds were set to a hair trigger. Well my test has not been tried this morning. Must have "educated" this critter. I then set another trap 180 degrees from the original one. I also have a coni on a trail that is in the same general area. I am using a Hawbaker's paste lure, Hardcore, Miranda's Ringtail's Choice, and a homemade (someone else's) coon fishy/honey bait on various sets. So far the homemade has produced the grinner. I also tried some sardines in dirt hole sets. I have four pvc sets (which I am unimpressed with) on the edges of cornfields and next to a small stream. I am just baffled right now. If there is still standing corn will this affect coon going to sets? Should I have my dirthole sets more in the picked cornfields or in the trees? When should I target the stream. I am really surprised nothing has been touched under the bridge next to the stream. I also built a cubby out of rocks under the bridge. We have had two warmer nights and days in a row with a light rain/mist last night. Temps in the mid 30's for lows and 40-50's for highs. I will have to pull my sets by the middle of next week due to gun deer season. I just hope I can get at least one coon by then. Getting up 2 hours before work to drive to check sets every morning is getting tough. I just cannot stand to be beaten by the critters, that is what keeps me going. I know it is just part of the learning curve. If I could just ride with somebody for one day to watch and learn I would be a little farther ahead. Problem is, I know nobody that traps around here, or are to secretive about their area. Welcome to the school of hard knocks huh? Well I will keep updating with more questions for you folks. Thanks for listening. Mike

Offline Wackyquacker

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2003, 05:13:56 PM »
I think you are gonna need Boggy Boy, RdFx, Rascal, T-man or the like to help you on this coon thing; I think I know what one looks like :lol: .  Now if I'm not mistaken those things hole up when its cold and move to different food sources.  Also, are you certain that you want hair triggers?  I think they will just cause you problems relative to poor catches,  little critters, and freeze thaw firings hang on one of the other fellows that know coon will help. :wink:

Offline rascal (Joe Duncan)

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2003, 01:16:54 AM »
  I think you need Boggy, RdFx, or T-man on this problem.  
  Although I do catch coon, I do not often set for them as a target.
  If I were trying to answer your questions, I would probably like to know:
  1:  On the trap where you state the "trap thrown 3 times":
       A.  When you mention "trap pulled to end of chain with fur in it", can
             you tell what type fur?  was there anything a coon could reach at
             at the end of the chain to "power out" ?
        B.  "Hair trigger" -- while I sometimes do use a hair trigger, it is
              mostly "site specific" and under specific conditions.  Very seldom
              would I use a hair trigger for coon.  Like WQ said, pan tension
              is very important.  If I am setting for coon, I like my pan tension
              to be set at 1 1/2lbs.  "Creep" is another thing.  I don't want the
              pan to creep at all before firing.  
         C.  How far back from the dirthole was your pan?  
         D.  What type and size trap are you using?  
         E.   Is it possible to backtrack the trail to the waters edge and
               maybe try a pocket set?  
 Let's go from here and try and figure this out?  Like I say, I am sure RdFx and some of the others can help you more than I can but these are some questions that I would ask myself if it was happening to me.
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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2003, 01:41:01 AM »
Rascal asked the questions that needed to be asked.

Here are a couple of tips for bginning coon trappers that will cut down fired traps.

1) No hair triggers. Take a file and square of end of trigger and notch on pan. Bend post if needed so that the pan when set, is flat.

2) make your hole or pocket at least 6 inches andf on at least a 45 degree angle.

3) Use BOTH lure and bait.

If on land:

3)  bed the trap very solid in smallest possible bed. PUT A PENCIL SIZED STICK FIRMLY IN THE GROUND NEXT TO THE DOG-  so it is sticking up 4-5 inches.

4) make sets next to logs, etc with the dirthole going st under-

5) spread a thin layer of loose dirt back 3-4 feet from your dirt hole. Coon root and go thorugh loose dirt- satisfy their curiosity before they reach the trap.

If on water.

1) make sure the trap is set "into" the bottom a little- so it is firm.

2) PUT A PENCIL SIZED STICK FIRMLY IN THE GROUND NEXT TO THE DOG-  so it is sticking up 4-5 inches.

Hope this helps
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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2003, 11:46:02 AM »
Toes,time to get your feet wet.Get in the water and put in some pocket sets.The coon have been working the water.
 I only trapped 3 days last week and 10 coon ended up in my rat traps while they were working rat houses.Land is not working for you,so get your butt out in the water.Besides it is way more fun playing in the water than in mud--unfortunately mine is one on top of the other.
 Toe,see that phone number for St.Croix Valley at the top of this forum--give me a call ,it is far easier to answer questions and make suggestions on the phone.   Tom
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline frozentoes

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2003, 01:16:34 PM »
Thanks for all the replies. Before I try and answer all the questions, I have some good news!! I caught a rat!!!! I have one pvc set on the bank of a very small and shallow creek under a bridge. Well it has been raining and snowing here all afternoon so we quit working. I waited for it to taper off so I could relure my sets so they would be ready for tonight. First check I had a drowned rat. I never knew there were any rats around. The Black River is 2 miles away, that is the closest big river to me. Tickled I was.
I also had another thrown trap, this is the second time it has been thrown. While reluring and baiting, I tightened all the pan tensions and made sure the pans were level with the jaws. I also moved a few to what appeared to be better coon trails. I am mostly trapping on land. I also find it very difficult to set a trap where a coon cannot reach anything to "power out". I am sure that this is very much a possibility. The trap that has been thrown is in some fairly thick woods with blowdowns within reach. The third time it was thrown there was a small amount of very short black/gray hairs. Did I mention that this morning it was thrown again? It was drug a different direction this time. I am considering dropping the $20 and getting one of those Griz Getr'z.
The small stream on the property freezes up when it is cold. Yesterday and today was the first time it has been open this week. It freezes along about a foot out on the edges. That is the main reason I have not tried a pocket. Should I still try it and see what happens. Would be nice to walk the stream instead of through the mucky cornfields for awhile. The farmer also started cutting corn today.
I am using Victor #1 CS and #2 CS for hardware. Most are wired to trees, while some are staked. Bog, I might be giving you a call soon. Do you sell any used traps. Maybe #1 1/2 CS or SLS or DLS? I have spent quite a bit already buying equipment. My wife thinks I am off a little. Spent close to $300 and have caught a grinner and a rat, LOL. Women just don't understand :roll: .
A question on proper bedding. I use a small hole for the trap. I then wiggle the trap until it seats firm. I then pack dirt all around the jaws, levers, and between the jaws lightly. I am afraid I am going to catch my fingers if I get to carried away inside. I then cover with peat moss. Then I sprinkle the dry dirt from the bed on top of that. When finished I usually have about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of dirt on the pan. What is the purpose of sticking a stick next to the dog? Do you stick lure on it, or just let it sit there?That is all I can think of for now. I will check back later to see if I missed anything. Thanks for helping. I really appreciate it. Mike

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2003, 01:39:05 PM »
Mike,it sounds like you have the right idea on bedding.I do pack inside the jaws on land sets.You may get bit a time or two but it will come.
 Save yourself a few bucks and buy some coon cuffs--they are cheaper and work very well,I use what I sell as much as possible,and I use the cuffs.I also sell several brands of traps--the Dukes have been improved and you may find they are easier on the pocket book than some used stuff. Give me a shout.     Tom
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline TJF

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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2003, 07:24:57 PM »
I won't even pretend to know what these other guys know and tend to stay away from giving advice since they are better qualified for that when it comes to trap placement, bedding and trap adjusting/modifying.  More then likely the advice given so far is what you need to know but one thing worth checking comes to least for me and my area.

  Dismissing the gray/black hair fired you have a lot of deer in your area??  They set a lot of traps off for me as they like sweet smelling lure for coon.    Look for tracks and if they are the culprit for some, I've had to place my sweet smelly lure 5-10 feet away from the sets to stop them from firing my traps.  I will place the lure with reguards to how I think the coon will travel though the area to still benefit by the lure and draw the coon over my sets.   I also look for tight spots the deer can't get at as easy when making sets to avoid them.

In really bad deer areas, I will make cubby or buckets sets/plastic colvert with 220's to avoid them.

Again it is just something to check but I would follow their advice to make sure your traps are set and working right since that is very important.  Goodluck!!


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Checked My Traps Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2003, 03:13:17 AM »
I have problems with deer firing my land sets for coons, too. one thing I've done that seemed to help is to really crowd something like a brush pile, log, etc. and that seems to help. I think the distance from deer's nose to its front feet are a factor when compared to smaller stature animals like coons, fox, etc. when deer check out sets they need some overhead room to get their head and long legs up close to the set. I had one location back under some undergrowth that had about a 3' clearance underneath it (I think it was a wild plum thicket, if I recall correctly) and that was a terrific land set spot for coons...never had a problem with deer or dogs in it, but you had to crawl back into the opening to make the set. That was what made my think to try just crowding the dirthole next to a big log, or brushpile, etc. and that really seemed to help. the sets I had out in open more and especially in tire ruts, trails through open weeds, etc. seemed to get most deer visits. Nothing is foolproof, but it did seem to help me. Also, had better luck with meat baits vs. gland lures and urines to avoid deer too.