I have problems with deer firing my land sets for coons, too. one thing I've done that seemed to help is to really crowd something like a brush pile, log, etc. and that seems to help. I think the distance from deer's nose to its front feet are a factor when compared to smaller stature animals like coons, fox, etc. when deer check out sets they need some overhead room to get their head and long legs up close to the set. I had one location back under some undergrowth that had about a 3' clearance underneath it (I think it was a wild plum thicket, if I recall correctly) and that was a terrific land set spot for coons...never had a problem with deer or dogs in it, but you had to crawl back into the opening to make the set. That was what made my think to try just crowding the dirthole next to a big log, or brushpile, etc. and that really seemed to help. the sets I had out in open more and especially in tire ruts, trails through open weeds, etc. seemed to get most deer visits. Nothing is foolproof, but it did seem to help me. Also, had better luck with meat baits vs. gland lures and urines to avoid deer too.