Hello there:
You can't go wrong with the 308. Plenty of power, it kicks a lil bit harder than the 30-06, and don't ask me why. My cousin has a 30-06 which I traded him unfired, and it does not kick as hard as my 308. Even J.D. Jones said the same thing that he had noticed.
As for accuracy, the 308 is extremly accurate. I have many custom barrels, and also many T/C barrels, both from T/C and Fox Ridge, their custom shop. I've never had a factory barrel I could "outshoot." Every barrel I have is plenty capable of more accuracy than I am able to give it, and I consider myself a very good shot. I have chronograph notes, and saved targets to show for it.
The factory T/C barrels in my opinion will shoot as accurate as the high dollar custom ones. The reason I have custom ones, is because I love wildcats, and often T/C does not have them, nor does Fox Ridge have what I want. I have custom barrels from J.D. Jones, VV Custom Guns, and Bullberry.
So, you will be safe knowing you have a precision shooter with just the regular factory run, or maybe I've just been extemely lucky in my years of using the T/C arms.
Just got my 300/223 back today from Virgin Valley and have been playing with it.
Hope this may help, it's just my 2 cents worth.
Casper_Zip :grin: :grin: :grin: