Well I'm now an official member, & I believe I'm really going to enjoy this forum. The Armor Alloy barrel I have is designed for the Contender frame I have. The lock-up is tight just like the rest of my barrels, and I have a few. It's the only barrel giving me fits as far as developing a load. So far I've used WW296 which I've had the best luck with in 240 grain Sierra HP, also tried 200 grain Sierra HP and Nevada bullets FN full metal jacket, 240 grain Keith Style hand cast extra hard (linotype), Remington 180 grain HP. Some of the other powders include Unique as a mild plinker, and H110, and 2400. I've probably fired over 750 rounds in 20 round lots, and nothing so far looks promising. I didn't scope this as I intend to use it on a ferral hog hunt, if I get a load worked out, not beyond 75 yards, probably closer to 50 yards. I've used WW brass, RP brass, Fed brass, and just recently bought some Starline brass, but haven't tried it yet. I'm using Fed. Magnum primers. Has anybody used this type of barrel? Appreciate the help. RR