1. How cold does it need to get before coon den up? At this rate I will not catch any before the big freeze.
Bog is right. coon will slow down, and in sub zero weather can den up for weeks at a time- but do move throughout "warm" spells. You need a good powerful coon lure at this time of year.
2. How can I get sets to not freeze? I have read many ideas about the glycol and RV antifreeze. Please explain where to get it and how to mix and use it.
RV antifreeze wil work in the 20s, and a 2 to 1 mix of pure glycol and water wil protect ot much colder. Spray the bottom of the trap bed thrgoughly, bed the trap, spray everything again, add dirt, spray, add dirt, spray. Make final thin layer of natural dirt to blend everything in.
3. Is it too late in the year to get new traps? With everything I have read you need weeks before a trap is ready to use. By the time I get a trap bought,delivered, cleaned, rusted, dipped or dyed, waxed, and let dry in cold weather the season will be over or coons will be slow.
For coon, buy them and set them. If yo uwant to wax, it wil speed up traps in colder weather. once 1 coon is caught, any trap wil lbe shiny. Just take to car wash and spray off factory grease.
4. My trap tension is fairly tight compared to what it was before. Now it seems they are real sluggish when it is frosty in the mornings.
You found out what happens in cold weather! loosen tension and use a thinner dirt covering. Don't pack trap quite as hard around jaws.
5. The location where I have had the most fired traps is really frustrating me. No fired traps this morning but the pvc has been robbed every time. It is a 16 inch pipe with about a foot stuck out of the ground. I have either sardines or jack mackeral in the bottom with a few leaves on top of that. I then dip a small stick in some lure and put that in the pipe as well. Is it coon or possum?
I would say coon. Do you have the pipe angled say 45 degrees and the trap under the tip of pipe?
6. On the set from above I have two traps out. One is about 6 inches away at about 2 o'clock. The second is about a foot away at 8 o'clock. Both traps have been fired and dragged to the end of the chain. Do I need a ring of traps to catch one critter? Also how far away should the traps be on that type of set-up?
See above. also remember to put in stick next to dog as dog guide.
7. I am not sure on my dirthole sets. Only one of them has been fired and it was twice. The culprit could very well be deer. Bait is never touched. I am in a high deer populated area. Most of the other sets are not where deer generally travel.
Make coon dirtholes DEEP. Coon will work a dirthole from the top given half a chance.
Can you tell I am losing my mind,LOL.
Welcome to our world! :cb2: