Author Topic: .45 Encore Loads  (Read 1522 times)

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Offline mike3132

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.45 Encore Loads
« on: December 28, 2002, 03:53:55 AM »
I asked this question on the Encore rifle board but havnet got any replies so here goes, My friend just purchased a 209 Encore .45, can any of you give me some accuracy loads (bullet weight & powder) ? Thanks to all that reply, mike

Offline Underclocked

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.45 Encore Loads
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2002, 05:06:08 AM »
Mike, think I answered you elsewhere but I highly recommend the 350 grain White PowerStar saboted bullets atop 80 grains of Triple7 FFg and a Win209.  I add just a touch of bore butter to the two lube grooves around the base of the sabot.  

This load shoots beautifully in my 209x45 and I had all but given up ever finding a load that would.  Stay away from conicals in that rifle, you would probably be wasting his/your time and money.  The heavier saboted rounds from might also do very well.  

Here's a pic (excuse the rough edges please) of the White PowerStar's unique sabot -


Offline Grump

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.45 Encore Loads
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2002, 01:06:56 PM »
My uncle has a s/s encore.45 and has been shooting 3''groups at 100yds with open sights with hp 295 copper power belts with 2 pyro pellets.  He drives me nuts because that was the first load combination he tried and out shot me and said "this blackpowder isnt that tough, why are you always goofin around with all that old time stuff"

Offline Billyboy

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.45 Encore Loads
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2002, 02:52:44 AM »
Hi Mike,
I found that the 180gr .40 XTP from T/C and the 200gr .40 XTP from Hornady shoot really well in my 45 with 120gr 777. The Hornady 200XTP took 2 deer this year and was absolutely devastating. No complaints. Many people like the lighter bullets for the higher velocities, but the heavier 180 & 200 have better ballistics and great penetration. From all of the threads I have read over the last 6 months, it seems to me that the majority of 45 shooters get much better accuracy with loose powder that with the pellets. Good luck!
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