Personally, I think that it is a waste of time/money, but it should make the Rep oil barons happy.
It was not to drill but to explore. Exploring is not drilling! And this moron and his groups have no thoughts of letting people drill or sell oil.
This comes on the heels of him closing many drilling contracts.
An Obama supporter on the radio called in yesterday and said this is a ploy. It is to get the republicans to say no.
and show he is trying to work with them.
My question to the enviromental global morons is:
If this is a global ecology why would you want some 3rd world country that will pollute the ground, the air and the water to be allowed to drill for oil using 1920's tecnoligy but not 21st century technoligy here to save the air, ground, and water?
Sounds like smoke and mirrors.
(I do not think Obama is the Anti Christ- He is the Anti Ronald Reagan! Who showed us freedom and choices are good things. Low taxes create jobs and a rising tide lifts all boats)
All I can think of is either Obama missed the days in college when they were talking about Econ 101, Con Law 101, and History or he knows and is doing this to end this country and the American way of life.