I'm voting for anyone who is not a r or d win loose or draw I will not pick the lesser or business as usual and if enough join me we will change washington.
Sadly in following this course and considering nothing else you are merely assuring the greater evil wins. That's the automatic default setting when good folks take this attitude.
Let's get back to the topic here PRIMARIES or in some states caucuses. These are where each party decides who is gonna be on their ballot in the fall when the election takes place. By the rules of primaries you can only participate in the selection of candidates for one party, ya gotta choose which in order to play in the primaries. In some states you must register your party affilation and can only vote in that party's primary if they have one. Third, fourth and other fringe elements often don't have primaries.
Here in Alabama we don't have to register but on primary day must declare which party's primary we will vote in on that day. Next primary we can vote in the other if we wish. This really gives us two opportunities to affect the outcome of the fall elections as we can vote against the stronger more unwelcome candidate in the dumocraps primary or we can vote for the candidate we think is best for us in the repubs primary. We can't do both.
If everyone would get involved at the primary level and I mean everybody that has conservative leanings at least as I personally would prefer as few as possible of the liberals to be involved at all stages of the election cycle. Sadly it seems to work just opposite of that and the liberals get involved and the true conservatives stay home all pissed off at the repubs and wait to vote some nonelectiable fringe candidate in the fall.
What we conservatives NEED TO DO if we want to have a prayer of changing things back toward what we see as the right way is to change our thought processes and our actions. We need to be highly involved in the primary process and also in supporting any good candidate or candidates that might be out there with campaign contributions and by giving of our time to help them get elected.
If you do these things effectively and in masse then there should be a really good candidate available to vote for in the primary and it is in the various state primaries that the decision is made who will be on the ballot come fall election time.
Now this is not to say we should not also be working to establish a strong and viable third party as I do believe this is desperately needed in America. We need to bust hell out of the two party system and have at least three viable parties and I'm not so sure that having four wouldn't be better still. But to be effective in establishing these parties you must do the work at local level and state level. To try to begin at national level before a sound foundation is established locally and at state level in at least the majority of states with the electoral college votes to elect a President is just plain foolish. Tossing your vote to them in a national election when they have not become established at state level and have numerous of their party holding offices locally and at state level is truly wasting your vote in my opinion.
The reason we've come to call what we do voting the lesser of two evils is because we've failed at getting good candidates in the running via primaries and have failed to get a viable third party established locally and at state level all across the nation. If you honestly want to turn things around at the polls this is the process that must be followed. Otherwise it's gonna be business as usual.
The democrap party is gone, it is not salvageable and needs to be written off and what would be best for this nation would be if it could be phased out of existence to be replaced by some new party. The repubs can still be saved IF but ONLY IF folks get involved at the primaries in masse and make sure folks like McCain are not on the ballot in the fall. You must use the primaries to find and vote in viable conservative candidates who will then be on the fall ticket to oppose the democraps and any fringe spoiler parties as might exist.
If while working within the repub party at primary level you also work with a truly conservative third and as yet fringe party to make them stronger via contributions of time and money then you can make a real difference and turn the corner back to conservative government.
At the local city and county level anyone can be elected and often they don't even have to announce a party affiliation at all but can run without party. Ya JUST ABSOLUTELY GOTTA get good folks elected locally as this is the base from which state office holders come. If ya get good folks both at local and state level then they become the base for national elections. It's not a quick or painless process but it is an important process and if you are not a part of it then my friend you are a part of the problem.
So what ya gonna do really? Ya gonna bitch and moan about lack of choices in the two active parties and cry about lessor of two evils or are you gonna get politically active and work with other like minded conservatives to get good conservative candidates on the primary ballot and hopefully elected to be on the election ballot in the fall? Or are ya just gonna sit it out and come fall whimper about the poor choices available and then either vote lesser of two evils or toss your vote away on some fringe candidate/party who you've done nothing to support locally to make them viable in the real world of politics?
The liberals have gone down this road and have done a very effective job and that's why they are in charge now. They took it to heart and have their folks spread from local city and county to state offices in about all states and they are highly effective at getting them elected at national level.