Author Topic: More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.  (Read 605 times)

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Offline Encore_'06

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More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.
« on: November 16, 2003, 01:38:34 PM »
Hi all,
I'm new to the game having only purchased an Encore in 30-06 two weeks ago and mounting a scope on the thing last week.  So far, I am only able to shoot 2" groups @ 50 yards from a rest with the 15" combo.  Pretty good compared to other pistols, but not good enough for hunting, IMO.  

I know some of you are talking about .416 Rigbys and other big-bore guns, but frankly this is enough recoil for me that I am seriously thinking about sending the barrel to have some recoil-reduction work done on it.  Any ideas of what works best?: Magna porting or FRO "muzzle tamer" or other possibilities?  

Also, I am looking for a different grip for this rig.  Right now, I have a healing wound on my trigger finger where it rests against the frame edge near the side screw and gets cut everytime a round goes through the barrel.  My thought is that my hand is simply too far from the trigger, which means I could use a narrower grip than the T/C rubber that came on it.  Any suggestions?  

One last thing, and that is the fact that I mounted an NC-Star 2-7 x 32 scope to this thing and 95 federal factory rounds (20@150g, 20@180g, and the rest 165g) went through this barrel without having any noticable affects whatsoever.  I am impressed with the value of this scope, since I sold a Leupold Vari-X III on Ebay for enough to pay for the the pistol, scope, mount, additional set of rings + 4 boxes of ammo!  

Any input anyone can offer for an enthusiastic new shooter will be appreciated!  Thanks - Geoff
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Offline jamie

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More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2003, 03:15:22 PM »
Keep practicing with the -06 I shot my first 1" groups at 100 yrds this weekend.  The folded electrical tape worked quite nicely.

I had a NC Star on my -06 and well just after I shot a 5 shot 1.25" group the illumination control was blown completely off the scope.  The 4 little screws that hold that on stripped out.  This happened at around 280 rounds.  Start saving your money now to buy a better scope.  Good luck.
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Offline RWG

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More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2003, 04:30:01 PM »

These guys offer up some good advice. Practice will indeed help tame the recoil. I shoot a 15" 30-06 barrel loaded with 165g Nosler Partitions at around 2500fps. It shoots into moa when the shooter does his part. You might try putting some padding (weatherstripping actually works well) on the edge that is cutting your trigger finger. As far as the magna porting or a brake are concerned I'm all for them. The upside is that they will turn your 30-06 into a pussycat the downside is as cknight98 says NOISE. The brake will increase the noise/blast coming back to the shooter. There will be virtually no muzzle flip with most of the recoil coming straight back into your hand. I have a 15" 300 WinMag with a brake that is easier to shoot than the 30-06. It shoots a 165g SSt at 2800fps. I am one that uses ear protection when he hunts. depending on the situation I either have a set of muffs or a set of amplified muffs that I use.I've yet to meet a good Encore barrel that won't shoot into a couple of inches or less once you find the load it likes. Keep shooting and work out the kinks I think you will really enjoy shooting your Encore.


Offline IKE

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More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2003, 01:04:25 AM »

I have a 15" 45-70 Encore barrel as well as a Virgin Valley 12 1/2" heavy bull (1" dia.) barrel and the frame bites me in the same place as you, I now not only wear my standard padded palm fingerless weightlifting glove when shooting  but I also put two Bandaids on my trigger finger in area of the first and second knuckle.......having shot the barrel and getting bit you probably know exactly where to place the Bandaids.

I borrowed a unported 15" TC factory 30.06 barrel off Ed K. to play with this spring and with factory 180's the recoil and muzzle flip / jump was (at least to me) "VERY" noticeable. Call me a whimp if you want but I don't want to go there again.

I found it to be much more unnerving than either my 7-08 barrel or my 45-70 barrel shooting my load of 58.5grs of Varget under a 300gr Rem. JHP.

As a side note apparently other shooters across the country are having trouble getting used to the recoil of a 15" '06' barrel also because Ed gets more of those traded in than any other chambering, he always has several used 15"  '06' barrels in his inventory.

To those who do shoot the 15" '06' barrel well and like it I commend you.
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Offline daveb

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More thoughts on 30-06 from a New shooter.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2003, 03:30:05 AM »
I shoot a 338 Win Mag in a 15 inch barrel.  It is ported, and I use plugs.
I use plugs with a 223 15 inch barrel in with my SRH 454 alos, and would
not be without them.  You might want to rethink your decision to go
without plugs.  I like the baffled style.

I had more problems with banging my finger on the guard with the 454,
but did a little with the 338 also.  I wear a leather work glove, and it
solves the problem.  This setup takes a little getting used to, but my
grip and therefore my groups are more consistent.  You might give
it a try.


Offline Possum

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« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2003, 11:28:29 AM »
Well, I'm hunting with one.  Mine is not ported.  I noticed a great deal more recoil with factory rounds than I did with my reloads.  I guess if I were shooting for pleasure on the range, day in and day out, it might get tiresome.  But, when I am hunting, the performance far outweighs the recoil in my opinion.   It is responsible for two deer last weekend.  

I can shoot about 4-6" groups at 200 with a 7X scope.  That's about all I'm going to shoot a deer at anyway.  Sounds like you got a  good deal on the pistol!  Stick it out for awhile and see if you like it better.  Floating the barrel will help with the accuracy.  I use metal washers between the forearm and barrel.