Update: I contacted Bernie(dodd3) and he said I should have no problem shooting to 400yds with the 3" tall vernier, I hope he (and others) are right because I ordered one today from TOTW. I realize a receiver sight on an H&R would provide more accuracy but they can get pricey, besides...I kind of had my heart set on a tang vernier. I have done some accuracy mods to my gun which will also help. I did do some shimming on the barrel lug sides to eliminate most of the side play, I free floated the forend, I also did a trigger job...I got it down from 4.5 lbs to about 2.75-3 lbs, I did surface harden the engagement areas and re-polish a little so the poundage should not diminish appreciably in time. I've done other things to the gun also, but not necessarily for accuracy....I shortened the factory Lyman globe front sight from .584" to approx. .494"(to save money and because the barrel dovetail slot was slightly askew), and I added a nice lace-on recoil pad. Anyway, for now I've been shooting at 50 and 100yds while working up my handloads. So far, my results are OK but I'm about to try some new loads and my lighter trigger....I HATE hard triggers. I'm also going to try using my neighbors rifle rest to help me see what the gun can do, of course keeping in mind I'm searching for a load my gun likes plus the fact that the barrel is new.