Author Topic: Pre Series 70 Colt 1911 models  (Read 941 times)

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Offline Mr. 16 gauge

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Pre Series 70 Colt 1911 models
« on: December 05, 2003, 02:01:40 AM »
Can anyone give me some information on pre Series 70 Colt 1911 automatics?  The model is an aluminum framed Combat commander.  Anything I should look for specifically when buying a used gun?  Anything I should be aware of saftey-wise?  Any other thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
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Offline Mikey

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Aluminum framed Commanders
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2003, 04:31:51 AM »
Mr. 16 Gauge:  there are a couple of things to look for - (1) pull the slide off and look at the frame behind the magazine well for cracks running lengthwise.  Make certain it isn't a machining mark, but a crack. If you see one don't buy the gun.  (2).  Look at the tube that holds the detent pins for the slide safety and the hold open whatever ya call it (plunger tube), and make certain it is solidly fixed to the frame and does not pull out and away from the frame.  Sometimes thise things, which are just staked in, come loose and may hang ya up.  (3).  Look to see how she feels when you retract the slide - if the spring is worn or old, as that is an older piece, worn springs may have added to the battering of the frame.

If all is good, get it.  There is nothing wrong with the Colt aluminum frames and some gunsmiths use them as a basis for target pieces that see thousands of rounds.  Mine is an older one, in the first 2,500 production run, with a loose plunger tube that is held in place by the grips, it has probably had 10K rounds of ball and reload through it, it rattles like loose change in a bottle, functions prefectly and will cut a couple of Xs from each magazine of ball at 25 yds.  HTH.  Mikey.

Offline John Traveler

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Aluminum Alloy Colt Commander
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2003, 06:27:23 AM »
Mr. 16 Gauge:

Mikey's inspection points are good advice.  I would add the following:

1.  Loose or previously Lock-Tited grip screw bushings.  Restaking marks show previous loosening.

2.  Inspect for battering of the spring guide seat in the receiver.  Cracks in frame near and behind this area are likely.  Look closely at the slide lock hole in the frame.  This takes the load of barrel recoil motion when the barrel lugs unlock.

3.  Loose safety plunger housing previously mentioned.  Re-staking marks indicate previous problem.

If the frame's orginal anodized finish is significantly worn in those areas that contact the slide and barrel/link, I'd suspect lots of firing and look closely for cracks.  If relatively good condition inside and out, it was probably fired little.

The Colt Commander is a "carry often and shoot seldom" pistol. The late Skeeter Skelon of Shooting Times Magine did a 5,000 endurance test of a new Colt Commander back in the 1970's and found it serviceable, but battered loose after test.  Nothing wrong with the lightweight frame, but you gotta give up something when shot a lot.

John Traveler