You had problems with 75% of the taurus revolvers you owned :shock:
I have shot somwhere along the lines of 30 different taurus revolvers, about 12 of which I own or owned and never had any problems at all..
I did have a friend who loaded some super hot .357 rounds (so hot in fact that I refused to shoot them) shot 2 and cracked the cylinder. He sent the gun back to taurus and they replaced the cylinder for free, no questions :wink:
Did you send the guns back to taurus for repair or just got rid of them?
these guns were about a year and a half old. Model 971 22 mag.
Model 608 357 mag. and the raging hornet which I also had to knock the
empty cases out of the cylinder. When I would clean them they would
shoot for about another 50 rds before they would act up again.
Don't know if it was the gap at the forcing cone or dirt under the star.
BTW none were very accurate except for the raging 44 mag that I had and
didn't have any problems with. I didn't send them back I just sold them all.
Should of kept the 44, Best 44 I ever had.