I do not have a problem with throwing them all out. I do not believe this is a 'liberal' push. I do not believe the liberals have enough power, money or numbers to make anything like that happen and I seriously doubt they could have thought that one up - they aren't that smart, they are just loud mouthed complainers who want everyone else to pay for their agenda.
If we limit political representatives to two terms it will/should have the same effect as time limited public service - nobody gets the chance to 'homestead' on the taxpayers dole and nobody develops enough 'power' to run roughshod over a bunch or other incumbents. In addition, shorter term 'representatives' do not lose the perspective of who put them into office and whom they 'owe' - such as, their constituents, not the 'party'.
If we tell them all - no more global warming nonsense, no more gun restrictions, no more bailouts, no more buy-backs, no more this, no more that, and let them know that if they do not carry our wishes forward they will be out of a job in the next 2, 4 or whatever # of years, they are going to have to seriously think about returning to their former means of employment to put bread in the toaster - not like shumers, klintons and obamas who never held down a steady job that wasn't paid for out of the taxpayers pocket. that's why we should vote them all out of office.