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Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« on: March 27, 2010, 01:17:06 PM »
 I have been deliberating over the purchase of a "Open Carry" revolver to accompany me both when afoeld fishing or when out shooting my airguns.
 I have a 6 5/8  Single Six Convertable and a Cimarron Arms 4/5/8 .22 Revolver but both are sorta bulky to carry when benchresting my airrifles (I'm disabled and sit at a portable bench)
 I have carried a Beretta Model 21 in an Uncle Mikes sholder holster for years but the stubby barrel makes for some low velocities  (900fps) and I often feel nervous when facing a pack of Dogs or a large dog or other varmit when out shooting.
 The idea of a bit more power came to me the other day, why not get a 4" Bearcat, easy to carry and it would make a bit more power than the Beretta!
 Do any of you carry a Bearcat for the reasons or posibilly others when out afield?
 I noted that both the Blue and the Stainless Bearcats weigh in exactlly the same, Does this mean that both are steel frames? I do not want to deal with an alloy frame such as the Cimarron Plinkerton has, I want a quality revolver!
 I know that the Bearcat is rated to handle all standard .22 ammo so I am sure it will handle the powerfull CCI Stinger ammo and snake loads.
 What's you folks opnions of the little Bearcat for all around use?
 All opnions will be helpfull before I either buy a Ruger Bearcat or a 45/8' Single Six convertable.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 01:32:47 AM »
I'd sure not chose a .22LR to face off a pack of feral dogs or even one really mean one and I'm not confined to a wheel chair even tho my mobility is limited. Personally for such a task I'm want a lot more gun if I seriously felt having to shoot were a real liklihood.

I don't think I'd want less than a 9mm and would prefer a .40 S&W to that even. If it were to be a revolver than a .357 magnum. S&W makes the Model 60 in both a 3" with iron sights and the Centennial model with 2" barrel in .357 Magnum and Ruger offers their SP101 in about the same barrel options. Something like that would be what I'd want at my side if I were concerned about packs of dogs or particularly mean individuals either.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 02:53:07 AM »
That's what I was thinking, but when I say that someone always tells me that I am wrong.  If it is a pack of dogs I would go with a clip fed 9MM to get the advantage of lots of shots.  40 S&W is even better if you can handle the slightly increased recoil.

If attack by anything is a real possibility you want to put the attacker down as fast as you can.  A 22 may put them down, but unless it is a perfect shot the attacker may put you down before going down. 
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 03:20:29 AM »
I have owned a bearcat, and several S&W J frames, and none of them have stayed at my house very long. I find them very hard to shoot straight, and fixed sights almost never work for me. I can see the allure of tiny guns, one is going to stay with me and that is a J frame 32 that does shoot where it looks with it's fixed sights.

 I'm with Greybeard, if you have a gun that you can't shoot with deadly precision, then you need a little bit more power. I know my choice of a 32 doesn't match my words very well, but it is one tiny gun that I do shoot pretty good, it is more powerful than a 22, and since I had 20 yrs as a cop, I can shoot double action to deliver multiple hits if I have to.

For what you have in mind I would think that a tiny 38 would be more useful.

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 03:25:27 AM »
Ive got a couple that i  bought for my grandsons to shoot. I kind of fell in love with them myself. Ive spent many days in the field with nothing but a bearcat in my front pocket. They tend to be more accuarte then the single sixes i own. Ive used them for shooting small animals and pests. Would i want one if i was attached by a dog. No. But id sure rather have it then nothing. A couple 22s in a dog will do serious damage. I dont allways want to carry a big gun in the field. Sometimes they just weight me down to much. A bearcat will dissapear in a front pocket until you need it. Sure you could carry one of my lcps and do about the same but hitting an animal at 10 yards with a lcp is a little dicey. Anohter thing i do occasionaly is when im carrying a 44 mag or 45 colt or some other big gun. I will also throw a bearcat in the pocket for small game. As to not being able to shoot a small gun well ill go this way with you. The bearcat comes with a trigger pull a weightlifter would run from. Ive had mine both dropped to about 2lbs so the grandkids could actually shoot them. I found that with a good trigger there just as shootable as a 4 3/4 single six.
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2010, 12:23:00 PM »
For the uses you describe, I would personally prefer a 4 5/8" Single -Six with the .22 Magnum cylinder installed.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2010, 02:53:02 PM »
   I've shot enough critters to know I don't trust a .22 handgun for anything over 5lbs.  Even with head shots the 22's don't always penetrate.  I've had pretty fair luck with the 22 mag even in short bbls, evens out to around 22 rifle velocity.    I would definatly opt for a .32mag or even a .32acp if I had to stay in the small gun catagory.

Offline Greeenriver

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2010, 04:12:00 PM »
I have no idea how many times I've gone fishing or woods walking, working out in the back fields or just wondering arround with a Ruger Bearcat on my belt or in one of my pockets, and I've never felt underguned with one.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I've never had a problem shooting a Bearcat despite it's small size, and a 22 LR is plenty for small game, and the Bearcat is plenty acceriat for anything at a range that would put me in harm's way. Now granted, a 22 ain't gonna stop a charging black bear or couger, but it will get the attention of about any dog I might run into, probibly not killing it DRT, but seriously discourging any further advances.

It's just a good, solid little 22, and that ain't all a bad thing to have with you.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 07:02:28 PM »
 I have a 4 5/8 Vaquero to take out serious threats out with but I was wondering aboiut the lightweight Bear Cat,
 Obviouslly the .22RF isn't very well thought of as a Dog Gun!
 Thanks for all your tips and opnions!

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2010, 06:37:30 AM »
Hello Dave!

Well, all said-and-done, a .22 in the pocket IS better than a .44 mag back home in the safe...

Offline Kmrere42

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2010, 01:01:18 PM »

I have been having fun with a Uberti Stallion in .38 special.  Almost the same size as a single six but with a full 38 cal hole.  Load up some double end wadcutters to a 1000fps and the dogs won't last long.


BTW... don't use the standard Hollow Base wadcutter at max loading.  they might leave a skirt in the bore. 750fps max...!!!...

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2010, 05:56:13 AM »
I will have to second the Uberti Stallion in .38 for that job is you are carrying a single action.  My friend Mikie has a neat little Single Six in .32 that was cut to a 3 1/4" barrel and roundbutted.  That's a very neat carry SA!  44 Man
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2010, 08:25:56 PM »
I have to agree that something more than a 22 handgun is warranted if you are concerned about wild dogs. One of my former bosses was hunting with his golden retriever pup. He came upon a pack of wild dogs. A couple came at him and it took 3 shots of 12 ga 2 3/4 #6 to put one dog down and another on the run. Really shook him up. I don't know the yards but it was fairly close. The dogs were good size. I tried to shoot a marmot once with my Colts Frontier 4 3/8 22lr. Had to hit him close to the head as that is all I could see. He got down his hole anyway. I have chronoed that gun and the 22lr loses a lot of power, so does 22 mag. I'd say .38 / 9mm and up is the way to go. Maybe the more potent 32's would work but I have no experience with them.
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2010, 08:33:00 PM »
If you choose a stainless Bearcat, something needs to be done about the shiny silver sights.


Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2010, 02:26:11 AM »
I guess i have to ask why carry a 38 when you can carry a 45 if your looking for power? I can put my ruger montado in my front pocket. The reason i about allways carry a 22 is the main reason i carry it is to take small game. Rabbits partridge and squirrels. A 22 doesnt destroy the meat. Ive shot many of them with 38s 44s and 45s and usually you end up with about half the meat ruined. I never was one that bought into the carrying a gun for protection from bear or other larger animals. The chance of an encounter with one of them is about as likely as getting struck by lightning. Im not saying it cant happen and if im in an area that i know has bear and its early in the year when they have little ones with them i sometimes carry a 44 or 45 but still usually have a 22 along too and in a pinch and its all i have for protection its better then a stick! Ive seen a couple bear and quite a few deer killed cleanly with one and im sure with a good shot it would stop a dog. Would it be my first choise for doing it? absolutely not but what a guy has to look at is what the gun is mostly going to be used for. Ive also hunted bear for many years with sixguns and can about guarantee you that if your 10-20 feet from one and hit it even properly with a 44 or 45 that bear is going to be more then capable of making it to you before it dies unless you brain or spine shoot it and if it were a real bear charge most guys ( and this includes me) arent going to be cool enough to place a bullet with much precision anyway. Ive lived in bear country all my life and have shot them off my back porch and have never heard of anyone in this area who was attacked by a bear or a wild dog for that matter. Only fly in my whole arguement is the wolf population up here growing so fast. THere has been some cases of wolves killing family dogs in the area and facing that situaltion id like to have a 10 guage with 3 1/2 inch buckshot!!!

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2010, 02:46:53 AM »

My BearCat (new model) is all steel.  It's exceptionally accurate and I often carry it when afield with my muzzleloading shotgun or squirrel rifle for those shots that appear a little too close for the long guns.  (I can't bring myself to use a shotgun on a squirrel that is only 10 feet away)

It has good, usable sights and was dead on with my hand and WalMart bulk Remington ammo.  I often carry it fly fishing. 

Dogs are funny.  They normally have a pack leader.  Wound the leader and they do what he does.  Shoot him around the eyes and you will normally win that fight.  If they get you may have problems. 

People are another matter. 

My normal field carry gun is a .22lr.  But, I have to admit, around camp, I normally carry something with more energy.  I guess that's a bit of a paradox, but I don't live where grizzly bears or big cats live. 


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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2010, 02:49:06 AM »
I carry a Bearcat a lot here in Pa. especially fishing, It is my favorite trail gun.  Dogs and two legged snakes are my biggest worry (if any). If dogs are out there, a 22 will kill them, and if nothing else take the fight out of them.  No it is not the best choice where contact is imminent... but if contact is iminent you already shoulda turned around.  I use the Wally World Fed Bulk pack hollow points.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2010, 04:03:49 AM »
The Bearcat is a fine trail revolver.  You just have to bear in mind that being a fixed sight weapon, you are most likely going to have to regulate the sights to your favorite load.  Also, a light weight, compact handgun is just harder to shoot accurately then a full sized gun.  You'll need a little more concentration on the fundamentals (grip, trigger control, sight alignment).  Not the ideal gun for defense, but a good shot with a .22 is not someone to take lightly.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2010, 04:07:51 AM »
Couple pics
Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2010, 06:54:58 AM »

The BearCat will make meat


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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2010, 10:16:06 AM »
I have no problem packing a Bearcat.  Accuracy is just a matter of proficiency, and you can't find a cheaper gun to shoot.  While I no longer care to shoot any animals I have taken more small game with a .22lr than any other caliber.  The Bearcat is about as light as any you well find, mine has never failed me.  The Bearcat is an alloy frame and the Super Bearcat is steel/stainless.

This is a 1964 model, previous owner packed it a lot during the summer and fall.  Some holster wear but is still a good shooter.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2010, 06:36:45 PM »
Never had a Bearcat but my 3" S&W 317 (?) couldn't shoot anything faster than 925 fps.  I recommend a 4 5/8"  .32 vaquero.
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2010, 09:49:11 PM »
A S&W 442 or 642 in 38 Special or the 360 M&P in 357 Magnum would be worth looking at. They are light weight at about 15 or 16 ounces. Loaded with the Speer 38 Special 135 grain Gold Dot +P [my first choice] or the old FBI 158 grain LSWCHP +P you would be better protected from wild dogs than with a 22. If you do not handload you can even get deep penetrating hardcast loads from either Double Tap or Buffalo Bore in 38 Special. The SP 101 in 357 Magnum or 327 Federal is another good choice but they do weigh more at about 25 to 27 ounces depending on the model. If you do decide on the 22 give the CCI Velocitor a try. They are a full weight 40 grain high speed HP. As far as 22's go I have an S&W 317 3 inch that weighs 11 ounces and holds 8 rounds. The Velocitors run good in the Smith. It also has a high visibility front sight. I carry it as a back up gun.   

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2010, 03:08:32 PM »
You might try the ruger blackhawk in the 327 magnum  - I think it is 7 or 8 shots in a single action.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2010, 05:02:17 PM »
Ruger makes a lovely little leather holster for the bearcat. A 22 is better than a pocket knife!

Cimmiron makes a small framed 32 HR/ 32-20 convertable that would be more powerfull.

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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2010, 04:39:38 PM »
I'm not a big beltgun fan any more since I carry it more than use it. I want it to be out of the way until I want it, and for that, the S&W 442 in a snap over the belt (easy on/easy off) holster is serving me very well. I have much more faith in the stopping ability of .38 Spl than the 22LR. A cheaper version would be the small Rossi, which we have, and it works well, but that S&W is classy. For your stated purposes I think you need more caliber than the nice little Bearcat has.
If you go with a .32 get the Magnum. or maybe the new .327 (pricey ammo tho) as the .32Long is pretty anemic. All in all, it is hard to beat the 38Spl. which you can afford to get good with.
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Re: Ruger Bearcat for everything afield!
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2010, 11:20:07 AM »
The Bearcat is a very classy, accurate, easy to pack six-gun. It's a great kit gun in SA, as a field gun I carried one on a trap line for a year & really liked it. I'd pick a larger caliber for defense, but for bumming around & fishing if attack isn't  probable the Bearcat is a great gun.